Guest Devotional - Stacy Heckman

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Do you promise yourself every year that “this is the year I will work out at least three days a week”, or my personal favorite “this will be the year that I will finally get my closet organized!” Whatever the resolution may sound like in your life, do you actually stick to them? It seems to me that the best laid plans on December 31st are often long forgotten by August 31st.

So this year, why not make some easy resolutions that you can actually stick to? Here are a few suggestions…

1. In 2010 I resolve to improve my health by either eating more dark chocolate (good for the heart) or drinking a cup coffee every day (good for the brain).

2. In 2010 I resolve to be a happier person by watching a re-run of Seinfeld or Friends once a week.

3. In 2010 I resolve to help the economy by shopping at my favorite store once a month (or if you’re like me and your favorite store is Target, maybe it’s more like once a week).

Okay, seriously. Would you like an easy resolution that you can actually stick to that would not only help improve your mental health and make you a happier person, it will also probably change your life? Well… here it is…

Each time you attend Church at the Bay there are “Next Steps” on the back of the bulletin. If you could take action on one of those “next steps” each week… or even once a month, it could change the way you live your life in 2010. There are usually at least two options listed, and they don’t take much time to complete, but this resolution could lead to a revolution in your life.

If this doesn’t sound like your “cup of tea,” I encourage you to find some other very simple, applicable resolution that will improve your spiritual walk this coming year. It can be as easy as subscribing to a daily email devotional or simply attending church on a regular basis. Wherever you are in your current walk with God, find something that will challenge you, but not overwhelm you.

So just remember when making that resolution to work out every week in 2010 that in 1 Timothy 4:8 it says, “For physical training is of some value, but spiritual training is useful and of value in everything and in every way for it holds promise for the present life and also for the life which is to come.”

Make a resolution that will change your life… not just in 2010, but for eternity. Happy New Year everyone!

Guest Devotional - April McCullohs

So, if you haven’t noticed already, we’re smack dab in the middle of the holidays. Our wallets are under attack and our emotions are being pulled in every which way!

It’s hard to be consistent with anything right now.

Personal time with God seems to get shoved to the bottom of the priority list during this season. While we need to continue to seek Him, carving out those quiet moments in prayer and study, let’s also appreciate the opportunity to experience God in another way: Worshipping with others.

Think about it. We’re already going to spend the time together with other Christ-followers, whether it’s during the Christmas Eve service at Church at the Bay, or at a Christmas party with friends, or simply while gathering for Christmas breakfast with your family.

Jesus promises to be with us when two or more are gathered in His name. If we can muster up the focus to be fully present in those moments (not worried about how the breakfast ring will turn out, or if your outfit is trendy enough, or what the in-laws will say next),
He may be surprise us with His Presence.

It may look something like this: While singing the traditional and not-so-traditional Christmas songs at church, what about really meditating on the lyrics? What if we approached those words as if we were singing a prayer, aloud and together?

Or maybe you’d want to start a tradition of reading Luke, chapter 2, with your family before presents on Christmas morning. If we were to offer that time to Him as worship, we may be blessed with a much-needed perspective change, or just an extra reminder of God’s amazing love.

With the business of the season, we’re faced with some real challenges to keep a regular quiet time. Let’s work through the challenges, but also embrace the privilege to worship Him with others.

Guest Devotional - Connie Smith

In the last few years, I have made a conscious effort each morning to start the day by offering up my day to the Lord. And to be quite honest, some days are better than others. As the saying goes, my day runs smoothly until I get out of bed!

Questions, and sometimes doubts, run through my head – Am I being a good wife to my husband? Am I good role model for my children? Will my grandchildren have happy memories of me? Do people see God in me and the way I live?

When the weight of life starts closing in on me, I recite the verses that help to remind me of where to find my answers. Psalm 121:1-2 - “I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Knowing that God is there with the answers gives me great comfort.

Every day I thank the Lord for the blessings He has given to me, for giving me another chance to be a better person and the opportunity to make a fresh start.

He does watch over us and has a plan for our lives if we turn control over to Him and let him “take the wheel” on our road in life. You can feel the relief from letting go of the worries and the uncertainties of life with the comfort in knowing someone all powerful and holy is in control.
Psalm 121:6-7 – “The Lord will keep you from all harm – He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

As we approach the holiday season, take the time to offer up your day to the Lord. You will be amazed at how well He will take care of you if you just let Him.

Guest Devotional - Cherie Pacheco

"In EVERYTHING give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you." 1Thessalonians 5:18

Wait a minute God, do you really mean that I am to be thankful for the flattire? I am supposed to be thankful for the lost job and a mortgage payment that does not get paid? Thankful for a sick child? No, He says, you are to be thankful IN those circumstances. Being thankful is His will. He did not cause the circumstance, but He is definitely here to walk through it with you. Watch, you will see His will unfold. Be thankful and experience Him.

I Thessalonians 5:18 is my Father's life verse. I heard this verse - read this verse - watched this verse - and have learned to live it. Yes, watched it. I watched my Father and Mother both live their lives with the knowledge that God was sovereign. That God loves and in that loving sovereignty, there was nothing that could not be faced without a heart of gratitude.

I watched when times were hard and they struggled. Their heavy hearts still had an attitude of gratitude. Our God, the one they knew so personal, was real. God was faithful and they grew in their faith. That faith was contagious. Let your faith be contagious!

Please do not mistake this to say they - you - or I face every pain with a big smile on our face and say "yippee!" and all the pain goes away. But know that we can face every pain, every obstacle, every circumstance with a sense of adventure resting in the peace that God knows best.

God did not tell us to be happy in everything, He said be thankful in everything. It is easy to be grateful when we get what we want and life is going smooth. We should be. Be careful though, when things are going our way, it can be easy to take the credit ourselves and just go along patting ourselves on the back for doing such a great job and not be thankful.

We need to see God's hand and thank Him for every blessing - every joy - every pain - every hurt - every disappointment-ummmm... like He said - in everything! We can be grateful for everything because we KNOW that God's will is being worked out. We can be grateful for the opportunity to experience God's love- God's grace - God's forgiveness - God's joy - God's peace. Before long, I pray you will see everything in life as an opportunity to praise God and to grow in Him. Life with God is a Great Adventure!! Join me - catch the adventure...... In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God concerning You!

Guest Devotional - Cheryl Holmes

Last Christmas, as I was preparing my home with decorations and talking with my children about Christmas, I felt a desire to make it a month-long event rather than a one-day event. As I was looking for ways to expand our Christmas season I came across a book written by several well-known Christian authors that describes the season of Advent.

Wikipedia defines Advent (from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming") as a season observed in many Western Christian churches, a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. Latin adventus is the translation of the Greek word parousia, commonly used in reference to the Second Coming. Christians believe that the season of Advent serves as a reminder both of the original waiting that was done by the Hebrews for the birth of their Messiah, as well as the waiting of Christians for the second coming of Christ.

This was exactly what I was looking for; a way to celebrate Jesus and make Christmas about Him and not what we are getting for Christmas. We still gave gifts and enjoyed them, but I felt that I had really celebrated with my family the real meaning of Christmas. What about you? How will you make this Advent season about what Jesus did for you? How will you show Him how much you love Him?

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…

Cookies, Cocoa & Christmas PJ's Event

Hello ladies,

We're excited to invite you to our 1st annual Cookies, Cocoa & Christmas PJ's event!

What: Wear your favorite pair of Christmas PJ's and bring a plate of cookies to swap with others. Enjoy some warm cocoa and lots of fun with your friends.

When: This Saturday, December 5th at 6 p.m.

Where: Cari Caraway's Home, 15819 Trackside Drive, Odessa, FL 33556

RSVP: Email April McCullohs at:

Look forward to seeing you there!

Guest Devotional by Stacey Russ

I’ve always been a worrier. It’s just part of my genetic makeup to think about every “what if scenario” and how to avoid any potential obstacles that could be thrown in my path. As if my worrying and planning would place a barrier of protection around myself and my family. This thoughtful approach to life would surely be rewarded with calm waters and smooth sailing, right? Not!

Jeremiah 17:5
"This is what the Lord says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future... But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.”

I have spent a lifetime of loving God and worshiping Him, but have been missing the point all along. My worrying means that I have been relying on my own strength and in doing so, I am not fully trusting in His plan to completely take care of all my needs. How can I expect his blessings when I am constantly pushing Him out of the driver’s seat? Every time I take back that control, I am saying that my God is not big enough to handle it all. Am I that arrogant to think that through my worry and planning, I will come up with a better way?

Isaiah 40:22
“God sits above the circle of the earth. The people below seem like grasshoppers to him!... ‘To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal’? asks the Holy One. ‘Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars?’ He brings them out like an army, on after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing.”

I’ve always heard that worrying is a sin, but I never truly understood how my worrying is truly offensive to God. No one compares to Him and no one is equal to Him. He is my all powerful, supernatural protector and there’s nothing he can’t provide! He’s got a plan in mind and while I may not see it all mapped out; my faith needs to trust that He can get me to the right destination.

Guest Devotional - Chrissy Mayer

What are some of your favorite beauty regimens?

Painting your nails?

Getting perfectly shaped eyebrows?

Coloring your hair?

Getting a good tan?

Ever known anyone who just seemed to glow a little more than others when they walk into a room?

Were you dying to know her secret?

I know a girl like this. Everytime I see her, she just seems to lighten the room. Always wearing a big smile. Even when she isn't beaming ear to ear, her face still reads content and grateful. She is one of the few people I have spoken to and felt as if she was truly hanging on to every word I said. She can find the positive in any situation and does it without you wanting to 'trip a sister' to bring her back down to reality. She is genuine, but most importantly she understands the power of a good foundation! Every morning she chooses to put on a face of gratitude. No matter how big or small, girlfriend chooses to STOP and RELISH in EACH of God's blessings throughout each day. Like a child on Christmas Day, she too approaches the day with such an eagerness and grateful heart.

In her most recent book, "Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy", Nancy Leigh DeMoss says,

"I would go so far as to say that there is nothing more becoming in a child of God than a grateful spirit. By the same token, there is probably nothing that makes a person more unattractive than the absence of a grateful spirit."

Gratitude. The most beautiful thing a woman can choose to include in her beauty regimen. This is how I want others to see me. But … how? How does a woman like you or me get a grateful heart change? It's not like we can just buy a thankful spirit in the cosmetic aisle at Wal-Mart. This is going to require a bit more work than your average one-time makeup application.

How do we maintain a grateful heart when faced with the challenging situations and challenging people that some of us are forced to deal with on a daily basis?

WE MUST DEVELOP A GRATEFUL REFLEX: ‘give thanks in all things' ... Therefore, if we can't be grateful for where He has us today we will not be able to be grateful for where He leads tomorrow.

DeMoss also says, "The grateful heart that springs forth in joy is not acquired in a moment; it is the fruit of a thousand choices. It is a Godly habit and pattern that over time becomes a new muscle in our spiritual makeup." She continues, "The only people who can sustain a consistent flow of thanksgiving between them and God are those who know who, what, and where they'd be if He hadn't intervened and saved them from themselves."

How long has it been since you thought about who, what, and where you'd be if Jesus hadn't pursued you, loved you, chosen you, forgiven you, and given you His Spirit?

Maybe you don't have what you want today. Or you have what you don't want. Either way, are you whining or worshiping? What beauty regimen are you practicing today?

Guest Devotional - Claudia Lisotta

Sometimes I feel lost.

I used to feel like there was no place I could go to escape from my problems. Most of the time I tried to find answers to my own questions but it seemed like there were no answers to relieve my mind and make the worry go away!

Oh well, that was the way I used to deal with my problems.

Now I know that no matter what comes my way and no matter the problem, God will be there to help and guide me through it all! Don’t get me wrong-- I have a lot on my plate right now! From dealing with immigration situations, to making decisions about my career and my husband Tony’s career down to everyday frustrations. But in the middle of all I find that I have peace of mind, strength and faith. I couldn’t be any more blessed to have the life I have-- my husband, my friends, my dogs, a job, and the most important one…. God, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Our problems may seem overwhelming, but God’s power is stronger than any obstacle we may face!

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” - Jeremiah 32:27

Guest Devotional - Jen Allinder

Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Once married, I dreamed we would continue to live in our house in Atlanta. Our kids would grow up in that area, we would attend Auburn football games each weekend like I used to as a kid, etc. Alas, God had a completely different path for our family. Jeff had a new opportunity within his company, but it required us to move to northern VA. This was in the middle of the big housing boom, to one of the highest cost of living locations in the US, 13 hours away from family/friends, and all while I was pregnant. Let’s just say that emotions ran high during those few weeks when we were going down this path. Being the control freak I am, I searched for stores, churches, and homes to ensure my comfort zone was in VA.

This time of leaning on my own understanding just made me crazy with worry, and oh the tears shed! One night, I finally prayed to God and put my complete trust in Him with this situation. I asked Him to remove obstacles in our way if this is where He wanted us to go. Amazingly, we quickly found a buyer for our house in GA, found a house in VA (decorated awful) that we got for under asking price (unheard of during the time of bidding wars), my company let me work from home, and those were just the big things.

What have you trusted God with lately? Where are you leaning on the world’s understanding or your own versus leaning on God?

Ephesians 3:20-21 says, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

He is able to do anything! He not only has the power, He IS the power. Why not trust Him with something today and see what He does? You might just be surprised.

Guest Devotional - Stacy Heckman

Have you ever gone through a situation in your life when you thought God had forgotten about you? Or maybe you thought that He was just too busy with bigger issues and didn’t have time to deal with the problem you were facing? I think it is an easy thought process for us to fall into when we are going through something very difficult and feel alone.

A dear friend of mine recently gave me a devotional and one of the entries is titled, “God’s Book of Tears.” The excerpt talks about this painful feeling of loneliness and abandonment in the midst of our sorrows. But it reminds us that God is there in every single moment and never leaves us or forgets us. It states, “You probably can’t recall every incident you’ve ever cried over. God not only remembers the event, but He knows exactly how many tears you cried! He knows from moment to moment what you’re thinking and feeling, what you’re craving for dinner, and when your favorite song is going to come on the radio. He is intimately wrapped up in the details of your life as He watches over you.”

Just reading those statements is like wrapping up in the coziest blanket in front of a fire on a cold winter night – it warms me to the core! Sometimes we all need reminding that God is intimately involved in every detail of our life. We’re never alone. We’re never abandoned. We can always rest in the comfort of the one we call Savior.

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” – Psalm 56:8

Guest Devotional - April McCullohs

Melissa kicks my butt. Every Monday (well, can the past two Mondays qualify?), I enter Melissa’s domain and submit to her crazed high-strung workouts. Think Jillian, from The Biggest Loser, except without the cursing. It’s beyond me how someone with only a buck five to claim for a body can drive 20 people to the brink of workout despair. The first time I worked out with her, I gagged and tasted the peanut butter toast I had eaten an hour prior. Yum.

Surprisingly, Melissa’s ethos would have fit right into Paul the apostle’s culture—nearly 2,000 years ago! Remember, Paul wrote some of his letters from Rome, one of the birthplaces of physical training. Listen to what Paul wrote:

Exercise daily in God—no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever.

- 1 Timothy 4:8

So, if exercising daily in God is important, how do we do that?

I think there are two ways we can spiritually train. Remember, we’re in this for the long run. No spiritual sprinters, here. When the emotional high of a church service or retreat wears off, we need to know how to sustain our spiritual walk with God—day-to-day.

Jesus told us to “abide in” his words. When we open our Bibles and read scripture, we’re filling our hearts and minds with His truth. And we don’t just read for distance, or to check it off some dutiful Christian list. We read to find God’s truth, receive it, and obey it. Find a devotional, or commit to read through a book of the Bible. Invest in a journal to capture the truths God makes known to you. When we read the Bible regularly, our spiritual appetites grow.

Let’s train by reading the Bible!

Guest Devotional - Lee Preiser

We all want to grow in our prayer lives, right? Especially when it comes to praying for our husbands or family. I’ve recently been challenged, though, in how I pray for my husband.

I am reading a book entitled The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. My first thought was, “Now I will get the information and help I need so I can pray that God will change my husband.” I was surprised when the author mentioned that I needed to be willing to let God change, renew, chastise, and instruct me in His way too.

I needed to remember that my husband is also a child of God’s and as such it was His job to work and change him. My joy (yes—joy!) was to pray for him in this way: “Lord, fill my husband with Your love and peace today. May there be a calmness, serenity, and sense of well-being established in him because his life is God-controlled (not wife-controlled). Enable him to walk in his house with a clean and perfect heart before You. Shine the light of Your Spirit and fill him with Your love.”

Now that is one very powerful prayer which God can honor. Remember God is not only powerful-- He is power. Pull the plug on your computer and the battery back-up only works for a short period of time. When we unplug the power of Jesus Christ from our lives by neglecting prayer, we’ll only last so long as well.

Need the power of prayer? Tap into the limitless power of God today and you will have a great day.

Details for Let's Cook!

Hey Ladies,

Just wanted to invite you to Let's Cook!, at catb version of Let's Eat, or Dinner Done. Here's the info:

Join us next Wednesday night, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Cari Caraway's house (15819 Trackside Drive Odessa, FL 33556) to eat, cook and hang out!

While we munch on bruschetta, we'll be preparing a stuffed shells dish that can be frozen for an easy meal later. There are two options: spinach stuffed shells for a vegetarian dish, or stuffed shells with ground beef or sausage for a more hearty dish. We'll have some of the ingredients already prepared.

What to Bring:
- 1 lb. of sausage or ground beef, or a package of frozen spinach
- $7 to cover the rest of the ingredients
- 9 x 13 x 2 dish

You must RSVP for this event, so we know how much to prepare! Please email to RSVP by Sunday, October 11th.

Let me know if you're in! :-)

~April McCullohs

Let's Cook!

Hey Ladies! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 14th! From 7:00- 8:45 p.m., we'll be cooking, eating and laughing in Cari Caraway's kitchen. We'll prepare one dish that can be frozen for a quick and easy meal later. And Chrissy Mayer, our resident health guru, will share a few tips for healthy-but-easy cooking. Bring a friend! Cari's address is: 15819 Trackside Drive Odessa, FL 33556.

More details (like what to bring) will be posted in a couple days.

Guest Devotional - Sandy Mayer

In the last week I have heard and read in five different settings about the importance of spending time in God’s word and praying. I’d like to share these valuable lessons with you as well.

The first mention of spending time in God’s word was from the Christian author and speaker, Kay Arthur, whom I heard while attending the ‘Deeper Still’ conference in Orlando. She stated that we need to study God’s word and make it a part of our lives so we may rest in our faith. The rest in faith that Kay described comes from finding what the Word of God says about a particular situation in our lives, and then believing it! Can that particular situation also include the planning of a wedding? (My daughter became engaged last week!) I’m going to be depending on that rest!!!

Then, on Sunday, while sitting at the table, my mouth dropped open as I listened to my friend JP share his testimony. It was as if I was hearing the words of Priscilla Shirer again. His statement was, ‘Once I fixed my focus on Jesus and not my problem, I saw change in my life.’ Don’t we have the tendency to spend more time on our problems than turning our eyes to Jesus? My present distractions include our finances, a place for a wedding, a wedding coordinator, inside or outside, a reception, how many people and where are they going to stay. The list keeps getting longer.

A couple days later, my devotion read, “The word of God reveals God’s mind, so we should learn it; God’s heart, so we should love it; God’s will so we should live it. The word of God is not only a sword for battle; it is a light to guide us in this dark world, food that strengthens us and water that washes us.” Beth Moore also spoke at the Deeper Still conference talking about the evil in this world. She said that in order for us to know what we humanly can’t know, we must know His word. We need divine revelation in a dark world so that we are not “Punked” or deceived.

Lastly, Hal’s message last Sunday focused on the acronym “SOAP” (Scripture, Observation, Application & Prayer). He used the same verses that were used in the conference. Ps 119: 103-105 “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” I know I must focus my eyes on Jesus to have discernment, peace and joy while planning my daughter’s wedding. How will getting in God’s word and praying help get you through your upcoming challenge?

Guest Devotional - Claudia Lisotta

I grew up Catholic, always had faith and believed in God. However, it wasn’t until three years ago when Tony, now my husband who has always been there for me, invited me to go church. It was so different from what I was used to.

A couple of months go by and I began to learn how God works miracles. A verse that really made me want to learn more and understand what real faith means is when I read Luke 1:26-33. It says, “God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, to a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph. Gabriel appeared to her and said, ‘Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you.’ Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. ‘Don’t be afraid Mary, the angel told her, for you have found favor with God! You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end.’”

Now I’m sure Mary wasn’t waiting for an angelic encounter that day, but I love how God works in the lives of ordinary people like us. This verse not only shows that the “Son of Most High” was going to be conceived, but that salvation through Jesus is available to all of us.

Jesus, the name that means “Savior” came to seek people like me, like us.
So three years have gone by and God is still proving the validity and consistence of his words. He included me and you in his plans and his perfect will.

Deeper Still Reflections!

“Am I gaining approval with God? Am I experiencing rest of faith – by uniting the word of God with faith for each situation. God is Able. Spend more time turning to God, than the problem. Be still and know you are not God. Love with knowledge and insight. We can have divine revelation in our human encounters.” –Sandy Mayer

“Keep growing. You need to have a good foundation. Listen to what God is telling you.”
–Rhonda Ellis

“This was the first conference like this that I have attended. I loved it! I too am still digesting everything that was presented - it was a lot. Priscilla's message really resonated with me the most. I needed the reminder that all of my little things are enough to take to God in prayer. I am often guilty of trying not to be "selfish" in my prayers when others have much bigger problems. Her comment to ask for what we need in prayer, or more, if that is what God wants to do, sunk in deep with me. Such a seemingly simple concept that I have missed out on. I'm praying a little different these days thanks to her!” –Linda Meyn

“God used the conference to confirm some things in my life that He is teaching me. The speakers gave a refreshing view of God’s ability to go “beyond the beyond,” the importance of not ignoring or underestimating our “spiritual gut,” and to fix on our eyes on Jesus as we seek to hear Him and find peace in our relationship with him. As I’ve faced the trials of this week, my mind has become flooded with scripture and words spoken at the conference – it was NOT by chance that I sat in that arena this past weekend!” -Melissa Walker

“I felt that the message I got from the Deeper Still is the same message that Pastor Hal was trying to get across.That is that no matter the circumstance to stay in the word and keep giving God all the praise and glory. Sometimes that is the hardest thing to do, but if you do then he will carry you through the storm.”
–Angela Taylor

Guest Devotional - Alexis Albright

Music is a love of mine. And every once in a while, a song hits me hard. Here’s a song that brings me to tears each time I hear it and gives me a glimpse into the day I will stand before my Maker:

There’s a peace I’ve come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There’s an anchor for my soul
I can say “It is well”

Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

And I will rise when He calls my name
No more sorrow, no more pain
I will rise on eagles’ wings
Before my God fall on my knees
And rise
I will rise

I know I will stand before Him. I am His child. But I long to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” For at that moment, I will rise! All the suffering – physical, emotional – gone. The way He allowed me to be used to reach others, even when it was unpopular or uncomfortable or even when I was rejected – all worth it because He is the One I lived my life for, the One I longed to please. And at that moment, “I will rise on eagles’ wings.”

Today, I know I serve a mighty God. But as I have life yet to live here on this Earth, I desire to seek His presence and His glory above all else and at any cost, because He still has work for me to be done here. And just as John the Baptist was on a mission to do great things for the sake of Jesus Christ, he kept one thing very clear – John 3:30 “He must become greater; I must become less.” It is my mission to do a work here on Earth that is all about reaching those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I’m so thankful for the opportunity we all have with our new launch at CATB and within each of our own respective communities. An opportunity to do “Whatever it Takes!” while the song in my heart plays, “I Will Rise.”

Guest Devotional - Cheryl Holmes

What does it look like to be considered a woman after God’s own heart? Does that mean attending church, giving money to the church, helping the poor, or spending quiet time with God? I have been reading “A Woman after God’s Own Heart,” by Elizabeth George. In her book, she says that in order to make this heart change, I need to follow God in every area of life by nurturing my relationship with Him, loving my husband, enjoying my children, caring for my home, experiencing personal growth, and giving to others. I want us to delve deeper into the part about nurturing our relationship with Him.

If we look at Luke 10:42 it says, “But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Jesus was in the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Martha was busy in the kitchen preparing food for the guests and she became agitated because Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to Him teach instead of helping her. She interrupts Jesus’ teaching and says to Him, “Don’t you care that I’m doing all the work by myself? Tell Mary to help me!” That’s when Jesus points out the one thing we all need to hear. It doesn’t matter if your to-do list is completed if you did not do the most important thing that we as Christians are called to do, which is to spend daily time with God. It doesn’t matter if your kitchen is dirty or the laundry got put away or if you responded to all your emails. If you did not stop and get in God’s presence to spend time with Him and hear what He wanted to tell you today, then your time was not well spent.

So, today, choose God’s way at every opportunity. In every decision, word, thought, and response, choose God’s way. Acknowledge God and seek His direction and He will say to you, “This is the way, walk in it.” - Isaiah 30:21

Guest Devotional: Chrissy Mayer

A Lily Among Thorns: A Set Apart Life
“Like a lily among thorns, so is my darling among the maidens.” - Song of Solomon 2:2

True purity is more than simply saving sex until marriage. True purity is a complete set-apartness for our heavenly father – Our Prince. True purity is not only practiced in relationships and sexuality, but in every aspect of our existence.

I know what most of you are thinking right now…Purity…Seriously? Isn’t that something we talked about in Sunday School when we were younger?Doesn’t that have something to do with some promise ring?Girl, that’s something that went missing long ago!

Over the last few years, God has continued to show me new areas that can use some ‘cleaning’ up. And thank goodness He’s in the cleaning business because some of these nooks and crannies are going to need some divine intervention! God tells us in His Word that purity is not something reserved only for our daughters, granddaughters, sisters, and nieces. Purity is a way of life – a way of existence.

In Matthew 23:25-26, Jesus says, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.”

Purity, I fear, has gotten mixed up in people’s minds with “Puritanism,” which, in the popular imagination, is a dour, brittle revolt against all the pleasures of the flesh. The concept of purity does not deny life; rather, it refers back to the very Giver of Life Himself. Purity means freedom from contamination, an undivided set-apartness from anything that would spoil the taste, essence, reduce the power, or in any way adulterate what Christ has called-us-out to be. It means cleanness, clearness…no additives, nothing artificial…in other words, “all natural”.

Things to think about…
How does culture view purity?
How does culture attempt to influence you to lower your standards of purity?

Check out these verses…
Philippians 4:8:

1 Thessalonians 4:7-8:

2 Timothy 2:22:

After reading the above scripture, pray and ask God to search out your heart. Ask Him to show you where you could use some reorganizing, dusting, or maybe even an entire renovation! Ask His forgiveness, for settling for empty boxes that the world wraps up beautifully and serves to you with a big pretty bow. Finally, share with a friend the areas God is challenging you in and encourage one another.

Guest Devotional-- Jen Allinder

I serve in the 1-2 year old room during the second service each Sunday. Do I do this because I enjoy wiping other children’s noses? Nope. Because I love holding screaming children while they are rubbing snot and tears on my new silk blouse, which now has to be dry-cleaned? Nope. Because I enjoy changing stinky and/or soggy diapers on children that aren’t my own? Nope. Then, WHY?

I serve in the kids’ ministry because I like children, and mainly because I know first-hand how a new parent in a new church feels. I know the prayers of visiting parents: safe environment, loving staff, appropriate curriculum, fun toys, and other happy kids. Answering those prayers enables the parents to concentrate on their own worship experience without worrying about their kids.

It amazes me each week to see the children in our class and how much they’ve grown. Kids who can’t yet talk much, know to “Pat the Bible” before we eat. We read Old McDonald and when we ask who made the animals, guess what? The answer is “God did.” They play their musical instruments and dance to the Lord, singing “If you’re happy and you know it.” At the end of our version, they shout AMEN! And after a few weeks in the class, I see the relief in the parents’ eyes when their child walks into our class and is excited when they are picked up. THESE are the reasons I serve.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me…” (Mathew 19:14). He tells us to have a special place for His children. We have that at CATB! Each age group learns about God in an age-appropriate setting.

I dare you to take a step of faith and help in the children’s ministry.
I love instant gratification and kids, therefore I choose to serve in the kids ministry at CATB. I also love the fact that I'm making an impact on children and introducing them to God's kingdom.

We are commanded “to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul,” (Deuteronomy 10:12). Part of my service is in the kids’ ministry at CATB.

Guest Devotional-- Stacy Heckman

My 4-years old is constantly bringing home new vocabulary words that I wish I could magically erase from his mind. Most of them are harmless at this age, although one phrase he has recently picked up is, “Oh my God!” He excitedly blurted this out the other day when he was playing with his Matchbox cars. I instinctively corrected him saying, “Payton, let’s try using ‘oh my goodness’ instead.” I’m not sure he understood why I was correcting him. And then I thought, This is such a common phrase in today’s language… why am I correcting him? Interestingly enough, my Bible study last week had an entire day focused on this exact topic. I thought it might be a good refresher for all of us to think about this simple phrase that is uttered so frequently in everyday conversations.

First, let’s start with the basics: In Proverbs 9:10 it talks about a way that we can receive wisdom, and it says, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.” The term “fearing the Lord” can sound intimidating, but really it means that we revere Him and show Him great respect. It means we hold His knowledge and truth in higher regard than our own.

My Bible study put it this way, “God is our father and we should speak His name. But we should do so with fear or reverence – never causally or crassly. We should guard ourselves against using God’s name without respect or “in vain,” as the Third Commandment says. God is not a stand in for ‘wow!’”

While “Oh my God” is not seen as profanity in today’s society, wouldn’t it be refreshing if everyone revered God so much that His name would only be used in respectful, honoring references? I encourage you to give it a try this week and only use God’s name in the most loving and respectful ways. See if it changes your perspective on the power and wisdom that is behind His glorious name.

Guest Devotional-- April McCullohs

For my God-Time, I’ve been reading through a book called Jesus, the One and Only, by Beth Moore. We’re going passage by passage through the book of Luke. I recently read a story about a woman, Anna, whose life really inspires me!

Right after Jesus was born, his parents took him to the temple to present him to God. (This kind of reminds me of Raffiki in the Lion King lifting little Simba to the clouds!) While Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus are in the temple, this woman, Anna, comes up to them.

“There was also a prophetess, Anna…she was very old…and was a widow…she never left the temple but worshiped day and night, fasting and praying.” Luke 2:36,37

I’m really impressed by this lady! The Bible said she was 84. She spent her life serving and worshipping God. Because she knew the Bible so well, and she had the Holy Spirit’s discernment, she was able to recognize the squirrely little infant in the poor couple’s arms as Jesus, Son of God!

“Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.” Luke 2:38

Anna’s life encourages me to spend more time with God in prayer. I want to be able to recognize what God is doing in my life and where He’s moving, just like she did. I want to be ready to meet Jesus whenever he shows up!

*How can you carve out more time to spend in prayer? What will you give up to make that happen?
*Ask God to show you where He is working in your life, so you’ll be able to partner with Him.

Guest Devotional-- Sandy Mayer

Jesus said,
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

We are in our rainy season and everything seems to be growing faster: bushes, trees, plants and… WEEDS! One day, I was sitting on my stool pulling weeds in the garden area and I thought how weeds are a lot like the sin in our lives. You know, they will take over, choking out other plants and causing the area to look bad. The same thing happens to us, spiritually, when we don’t confess our sins. We become paralyzed and burdened by the sin and it seems to take over our being.

Spraying is one way to get rid of weeds, although it sometimes kills the plants around the weeds. Spraying is like telling everyone around us about our sin but not confessing to God. When I’m gardening, I prefer to simply pull the weeds gently, being careful to remove the roots, which takes more time and effort. When God is able to pull out the root of our sin, hopefully we won’t repeat it. 1 John 1:10 says that God wants us to confess our sins because he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Roots and all.

Admitting and confessing our sins can take time and courage. God will sometimes send circumstances our way in order to help us see how we have hurt Him and/or someone else. These circumstances are like the rain which comes and softens the ground around the weeds and makes it easier to remove the roots. God is so gentle with us and He knows who we are and what we have gone through. He knows our hearts.

After the weeding is finished, it is so nice to look around and clearly see the plants. This is an AHA… moment. It is time to rest. Just like after confessing our sins, the burden is gone, and we experience peace and rest.

What has God shown you in his Word? Are there any weeds in your Garden? Do you trust Him to help you?

Guest Devotional- April McCullohs

Have you ever been on a mission trip? If not, you probably know someone who has. You’ve either been part of the stories or you’ve heard the stories:

“We slept in a hut for 5 nights and I got 100 bug bites!”
“We had to take this bus for 6 hours to the next town and there were chickens, roosters and pigs on the bus with us!”
“I never realized how much I depended on AC till I didn’t have it!”

My missions’ experiences, from a one day trip to Belle Glade, to a 5 week mission in the Yucatan, have all required some measure of sacrifice. But here’s the thing—I, and everyone on my team, expected to sacrifice! We knew we weren’t going on a cruise, so we didn’t complain when our clothes got dirty, when we had to try new foods and when the heat was unbearable. Because we had voluntarily signed up for the mission, we had counted the cost and expected to be uncomfortable. The focus of our minds and our efforts was the people we were serving. It’s what I call a “mission mentality.” A mission mentality enables you to shift your focus away from your discomfort toward the joy of selflessly serving others.

Unfortunately, once the mission trip is over most Christians, including myself, revert back to a self-serving mentality. It’s almost like we have to get our passports stamped, be surrounded by another race and language, and have a cheesy t-shirt to surrender to sacrifice. Here’s the thing—as Christians, we’re never not on mission. Whether we’re living in a Mayan hut or in a comfortable middle class neighborhood, the call remains the same—to go out and make disciples for Jesus.

We have an opportunity, at Church at the Bay, to make an impact like never before with the launch at Steinbrenner. Right now would be an appropriate time to ask ourselves, Do I have a mission mentality? Does my attitude convey that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to enable more people to come to Jesus? Let’s count the cost, whether it’s the drive, the unfamiliarity, or the possible rejection by friends and then let’s take that and honor God with a gift of sacrifice.

Whether in a village in Mexico or a town called Lutz, there are thousands of souls desperately in need of the good news Jesus brings. With the launch on September 13th, we have an exciting and unique opportunity to serve, to sacrifice and to be on mission. What will your part be?

Jesus said, “And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere.”
Acts 1:8

Deadline for Conference

Hey Ladies,

Just wanted to remind you that the deadline to register with CATB for the Deeper Still Conference is this Sunday, August 23! Click on the link above for details!

Guest Devotional-- Lee Preiser

This summer I have been reading a book called “A Woman and Her God” by Beth Moore and various authors. The question that came to me as I read the title was: “What does that look like for me?”

Many times we read in the Old Testament where the writer states that He is “Our God”. He has chosen us and that means He has taken the first step in this relationship; the next step is ours.

I haven’t played a lot of sports in my life but I remember as a child playing baseball in the field across from my home with all the neighbor kids and waiting to be chosen. I didn’t want to be the last one picked and I can still remember how proud I felt when my name was called and the team cheered because I was on their side.

God has called every one of us by our name to be on His team. I believe King David wrote my heart's cry in Psalm 63 when he used phrases like “my soul thirsts for you,” “earnestly will I seek you,” and “your love is better than life”.

Now I am taking that second step towards God. I know life happens and circumstances can consume our time and energy but leaving my God out of my life is not an option I want to choose.

The past 6 months I have been looking for a job and ,as some of you know, it can be very draining, especially with you are not chosen for the position. I came to the realization that it wasn’t about me having the right job skills but being where God wanted me to be so He could make a difference in someone’s life through me. I have since found that place.

Like me, are you seeking to know your God more? My challenge to you and myself is to get to know your God who has chosen you. Psalm 90:14 “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”

Guest Devotional- Alexis Albright

Women typically have an advantage over men when it comes to our ability to communicate. We connect by talking and sharing our detailed stories. But with this verbal gift comes a huge responsibility—one that is controlled by one simple muscle in the body, unmatched in its potential for good or evil—the tongue.

One characteristic of a mature Christian is shown in her ability to control her tongue. Luke 6:45 says, “For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” Wow! Our hearts cannot be hidden because our speech reveals us.

James 3:3-6 says, “When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.”

The verse just before this passage, in James 3:2 says, “We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.” This reminds us that we are all human and we mess up. Thankfully, God’s grace is enough for me. And His blood was shed to cover all my sin.

But let us never take lightly the impact we have with our tongue. Let’s always consider what we are about to say before we speak it. We have a tremendous ability to change lives with what we say and how we communicate the truth. James 3:9 says, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.”

What if we used this powerful muscle to only speak words of truth and words that were uplifting to one another, to His creations? So with this, the prayer of my heart comes from Psalm 19:14,

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

Guest Devotional- Stacy Heckman

“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “ – Jeremiah 29:11

God is a planner. Did you ever think about that? He started with the most basic and important element of planning: time. Then went on to plan out every single incredible detail of the universe including some amazing plans for each of us.

I love this “planning trait” of God because I am a planner! I like to plan out my weekly meals at the beginning of the week. I plan events months in advance. And I start thinking about holiday crafts for my son long before the calendar says it’s fall.

So I started thinking, “How can a little advance planning help strengthen my relationship with Christ?”

It may seem strange to plan out some spirit-growing activities for yourself, but I encourage you to ask yourself some of these questions:

• What devotional will I be reading over the next few months?
• What Bible studies are available to me this fall?
• How can I challenge myself in my daily prayer life?
• Who will I reach out to over the holiday season and invite to CATB?
• How can I get more involved at CATB in order to plug-in and impact more people?

God has amazing plans for us – plans that we might not even be able to comprehend. In Ephesians 2:10 it says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

What are God’s plans for you? What are you going to do to seek out those plans? I encourage you to pray about it and seek His plan for you. You may just be surprised!

Guest Devotional- Chrissy Mayer

"The Soundtrack of our Lives"

Lately, I have been doing a bible study with a few girlfriends entitled “Me Myself and Lies” by Jennifer Rothschild. In one lesson, we were instructed to ‘dig through our thought closets’ and organize our thoughts into separate ‘bins’. Ladies, let me tell you and much to my own surprise, my bins quickly became scattered and began to overflow with all sorts of junk! Most of the crap running through my mind on a daily basis had been ‘organized’ into three separate piles (right piles…the bins had become rather hidden at this point)

This is just a snippet, my friends, of the continuous soundtrack that runs over and over in my head…

What if I had actually started saving when I first started working?

What if I had been a better daughter/sister/friend?

What if I had a better relationship with my father growing up?

What if I don't have enough time today to get everything done?

What if I don’t have any time left over for my husband at the end of the day?

What if I’m not able to get that time off at work?

What if my car finally decides to kick the bucket?

What if I don't graduate on time?

What if the market goes back up?

When did I ever get on this crazy train any how?

Have you even been in a quiet peaceful room all by yourself? You’re not moving a smidge but you feel as if your mind is still going a million miles an hour? You feel a heavy weight on your chest and find yourself taking many periodic deep breaths (sighs) and you don't quite know why? What is wrong with me? Why do I feel short of breath? Why do I feel so tired?

Sisters, I have found the answer...

What we believe is what we think. What we think is what we tell ourselves. And what we tell ourselves is what we meditate on. Our thoughts are reflected in everything we say, everything we do, how we see ourselves and ultimately how we allow others to see us as well. We may try to play cool...We may try to lead people to believe we have it together…But girl it’s written all over you. Your thoughts are displayed in the ‘wardrobe’ you chose to clothe yourself in this mornin’.

So what’s a girl to do?

Focusing on the "What If's" instead of "What Is" only invites fear. My very own soundtrack entitled Worry: The Greatest Hits (Past, Present, and Future) is the VERY ROOT of my anxiety. The German root of the word worry means 'strangle'. When we play our soundtracks of the "What If's", we choke out any life-giving truth. So you see, our worry does nothing for us. It only squashes our joy, God’s truth, and what tiny bit of peace we think we may have found. Therefore, we must meditate and focus on His ‘Works’ and His ‘Word’. When we turn our focus and consider everything God has given us and everything He has done for us in the past, we are able to give Him back the control and focus only on the "What Is".

Next time you find yourself drowning in a sea of anxiety and worry, meditate on Phil 4:8
God gives us a ‘cheat sheet’ of what to turn our attention to and even what to thank Him for. Tomorrow, when you are putting on your wardrobe for the day, ask Him to help clothe you in His Righteousness and guard your heart from fear and worry. I challenge you to make this a daily ritual, and if you're anything like me, an hourly ritual!!!

On Being a Mom- Sarah Chandler

When I was pregnant with my son, Michael, I have to say I did not think about his teenage years. I thought about the fun times with my new baby, cuddling him, feeding him watching him learn to walk, and to talk. I imagined playing together as he grew into a toddler and maybe as far as the first day of preschool. Nowhere along the way did I think about the struggles he would face as a teenager in middle school-- facing bullies, cussing, girls, sex, drugs and all the other temptations the world throws at children through the media and society.

For my daily quiet time, I have been reading the gospels, journaling and praying. I have really been trying to follow the scripture, Matthew 6:6-8, which tells me to carve out private time in a quiet place on my knees praying.

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:6

One afternoon I was reading scripture in Luke 19, really struggling with some things going on with my son and needing some relief from worry. Afterward I get down on my knees and I am just sitting quietly with God and trying to feel His grace and give up (really hard for me to let go!!) my worries about Michael. All of a sudden I hear God speaking to me: MY plan for him WILL get done SARAH! I got chills. I was crying-- it was amazing. To make it even more amazing a verse in Luke led me to a scripture in Job 36:5 that I have since memorized. It provides me daily comfort:

“God is mighty, but does not despise men; he is mighty, and firm in his purpose.”

As a mom I can’t tell you what a relief it is to know that God has a plan for our children. Yes, they will go through trials and hardships but His ultimate plan will get done. I still struggle to let go and give up my worries to God, to let Him be the control in my life and trust His plan for my family. But, I do notice things go much smoother when I do!

Guest Devotional- Sandy Mayer

I was reading my devotional this morning about influence. The question was: What is the difference between a leader and a boss?. A boss says Go!, a leader says Let’s Go!; a boss knows how it’s done, a leader shows how it’s done; a boss inspires fear, a leader inspires enthusiasm based on respect and good will; a boss fixes the blame for the breakdown, a leader fixes the breakdown.

Just before the Passover feast Jesus washed the disciples feet and said, "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor messenger greater than one who sent him." John 13:15. Jesus is our best example.

Becoming a Christ-like leader is a process that Paul talked about in 1Cor 9:24-25. “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”

This scripture makes me picture myself and everyone around me (spouse, children, family, coworkers, neighbors, relatives) that I’m able to influence. As I look back at the race I have run so far I ask myself, was I a boss or a leader? I think back to when Ashley and Hal were toddlers and how I treated them as they grew up. I know there were times when my parenting was more bossy than I’d like. But, thankfully, there’s still a lot of race left to be run. Thank God.

I take this influence seriously enough to ask God to help me be an example. One that will influence those around me to want to accept Jesus into their hearts. Isn’t that what it is all about?? When Jesus is my example and I allow him to live in me, I don’t have to worry about being a bossy mom…

Deeper Still Women's Conference

Hey Ladies!

Well, the details are worked out and we're ready for you to go ahead and register for Deeper Still! Click on this link to find all the information you need. Get a friend to come with you. You won't want to miss it!

Guest Devotional- Cheryl Holmes

I have been contemplating several things that I have heard in recent messages from our Pastors. One thing in particular is focusing on others rather than on me and my circumstances. Whatever situation you are in right now, you have a choice to make in how to respond. As Pastor Hal has said, you can let you situation or hurt define you or you can lean on God. Let Him carry your burden and ease your load. You are not alone-- God is waiting for you to call on Him and invite Him to help you with whatever you are facing. When I focus on others instead of my problems God can use me to meet a need in someone else’s life. When I allow Him to do that I don’t feel that my situation is so bad anymore. The more I lean on Him the less insurmountable my obstacles become. What about you? How do you handle the stress in your life? Are you leaning on God or are you trying to do it on your own?

Jeremiah 29:11-13 says this, “11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Lean on God today. Tell Him your troubles, your fears, your heartaches and ask Him to bear those burdens and carry you through.

Guest Devotional- April McCullohs

On Saturday, over 100 people gathered at Honeymoon Island to celebrate the baptism of 18 Jesus-lovers (who happen to go to Church at the Bay). Kids ran around, Carter buried my legs in sand (thanks for the sand toys, JP!), friends chatted and there was a lot of sunscreen!

Mid-morning, we all gathered on the shore while the pastors stood waist deep in the waves. Brother and Sister, Mom and Daughter, Husband and Wife, Teenager and Retiree—they all professed faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and then participated in a 2000 year old ritual.

I have a special affinity in my heart for beach baptisms because it’s as close as I think we’ll get to celebrating baptisms the way the first disciples did.

We stood on the shores of the beach; the first disciples stood on the shores of the Jordan River.
We wore board shorts, sundresses and cowboy hats; they wore robes and sandals.
We ate Papa John’s pizza; they probably had something a bit more organic (before organic was trendy and expensive!).

But it’s what keeps bringing people to the waters of baptism that’s the same-—2000 years ago to today.

It’s a need for forgiveness, cleansing and a second chance.
It’s the grace of Christian community and the joy of deep fellowship.
It’s the beauty of a God who invites us to identify with His Son’s death, burial and resurrection.

“And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” Acts 22:16

Guest Devotional - Alexis Albright

Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

As I am preparing for the arrival of our third baby boy, due in November, I am trying as hard as I did the last two pregnancies, to prepare. I am reading articles on newer baby devices that I didn’t have with the last two boys. Mail is coming in left and right for offers to know more about formulas and to receive free trials. Working on the nursery is a task all in itself. Where is this child going to sleep? What am I missing from the many items I already possess? And most importantly, who is this child growing inside of me? How many times a day is he kicking? Are those hiccups? I guess he doesn’t care for spicy foods. But the greatest part of pregnancy, in my opinion, is the few times I am granted the opportunity of seeing my child as close up as possible, on an ultrasound. At that moment, it is as if I really know my baby. I hear his heart beating and I see him moving. Sometimes, I really believe he’s even waving to say, “Hey Mama, can’t wait for you to hold me.”

You know, in some ways, this is like our relationship with Jesus. I Corinthians 13:12 talks about our knowing Jesus here on Earth, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” And in order for us to know him in our life here on Earth, we have to seek him with our whole heart (Jer 29:13). This means, we must learn everything we can about who He is. We must dialogue with him. We must daily choose to pick up His word and allow it to penetrate our hearts so that it transforms us from who we are into whom He wants us to be. It is in the true thirst for relationship with Jesus, that we get our ultrasounds - He reveals himself to us – we see His heart beating and we see Him moving. He speaks to us as if to say, “My child, I can’t wait to hold you.”

Guest Devotional - April McCullohs

We’re all familiar with the story of Mary. She was a young girl, probably no more than 13 or 14, and engaged to a well-respected man. In Luke, we read how Mary was visited by Gabriel, a big-time angel. Gabriel gives Mary the news—“You’re going to bear the Son of God!!” She was bewildered, to say the least.

Imagine her situation. She was thrilled—God knows my name! God thinks of me as “highly favored”! But I’m sure her mind was also racing. Becoming pregnant before marriage was a quick ticket to being cut off from her tight-knit community and it most likely meant the end of her engagement to Joseph. Public humiliation.

Before Gabriel’s finished speaking with Mary, he explains to her that her cousin Elizabeth, one who was way passed the age of childbearing was pregnant also. “Nothing is impossible with God,” Gabriel declares.

Now, I’m sure God had Gabriel speak of Elizabeth’s situation to boost Mary’s faith. But, I also think in His compassion he wanted to comfort Mary.

Elizabeth was one who knew what it felt like to be the subject of town gossip.

Elizabeth knew what it was like to see the impossible happen.

Elizabeth knew where to find maternity clothes and what oil to use to prevent stretch marks!

God knew Mary would find comfort and companionship with her cousin Elizabeth.

And I think that speaks of God’s design for women. In the ups and downs of life, amidst the ordinary and the supernatural, God has designed for us to connect in deep friendship, sharing this journey of faith together.

Let’s dare to become authentic, vulnerable and honest. Let’s dare to let each other see our weaknesses, along with our strengths. As we take next steps in our relationships with God, think about who your Elizabeth is. In Christian community, there’s great potential for each of us to see the impossible come to pass with God.