Guest Devotional- April McCullohs

Have you ever been on a mission trip? If not, you probably know someone who has. You’ve either been part of the stories or you’ve heard the stories:

“We slept in a hut for 5 nights and I got 100 bug bites!”
“We had to take this bus for 6 hours to the next town and there were chickens, roosters and pigs on the bus with us!”
“I never realized how much I depended on AC till I didn’t have it!”

My missions’ experiences, from a one day trip to Belle Glade, to a 5 week mission in the Yucatan, have all required some measure of sacrifice. But here’s the thing—I, and everyone on my team, expected to sacrifice! We knew we weren’t going on a cruise, so we didn’t complain when our clothes got dirty, when we had to try new foods and when the heat was unbearable. Because we had voluntarily signed up for the mission, we had counted the cost and expected to be uncomfortable. The focus of our minds and our efforts was the people we were serving. It’s what I call a “mission mentality.” A mission mentality enables you to shift your focus away from your discomfort toward the joy of selflessly serving others.

Unfortunately, once the mission trip is over most Christians, including myself, revert back to a self-serving mentality. It’s almost like we have to get our passports stamped, be surrounded by another race and language, and have a cheesy t-shirt to surrender to sacrifice. Here’s the thing—as Christians, we’re never not on mission. Whether we’re living in a Mayan hut or in a comfortable middle class neighborhood, the call remains the same—to go out and make disciples for Jesus.

We have an opportunity, at Church at the Bay, to make an impact like never before with the launch at Steinbrenner. Right now would be an appropriate time to ask ourselves, Do I have a mission mentality? Does my attitude convey that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to enable more people to come to Jesus? Let’s count the cost, whether it’s the drive, the unfamiliarity, or the possible rejection by friends and then let’s take that and honor God with a gift of sacrifice.

Whether in a village in Mexico or a town called Lutz, there are thousands of souls desperately in need of the good news Jesus brings. With the launch on September 13th, we have an exciting and unique opportunity to serve, to sacrifice and to be on mission. What will your part be?

Jesus said, “And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere.”
Acts 1:8

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