Guest Devotional-- April McCullohs

For my God-Time, I’ve been reading through a book called Jesus, the One and Only, by Beth Moore. We’re going passage by passage through the book of Luke. I recently read a story about a woman, Anna, whose life really inspires me!

Right after Jesus was born, his parents took him to the temple to present him to God. (This kind of reminds me of Raffiki in the Lion King lifting little Simba to the clouds!) While Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus are in the temple, this woman, Anna, comes up to them.

“There was also a prophetess, Anna…she was very old…and was a widow…she never left the temple but worshiped day and night, fasting and praying.” Luke 2:36,37

I’m really impressed by this lady! The Bible said she was 84. She spent her life serving and worshipping God. Because she knew the Bible so well, and she had the Holy Spirit’s discernment, she was able to recognize the squirrely little infant in the poor couple’s arms as Jesus, Son of God!

“Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.” Luke 2:38

Anna’s life encourages me to spend more time with God in prayer. I want to be able to recognize what God is doing in my life and where He’s moving, just like she did. I want to be ready to meet Jesus whenever he shows up!

*How can you carve out more time to spend in prayer? What will you give up to make that happen?
*Ask God to show you where He is working in your life, so you’ll be able to partner with Him.

Guest Devotional-- Sandy Mayer

Jesus said,
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

We are in our rainy season and everything seems to be growing faster: bushes, trees, plants and… WEEDS! One day, I was sitting on my stool pulling weeds in the garden area and I thought how weeds are a lot like the sin in our lives. You know, they will take over, choking out other plants and causing the area to look bad. The same thing happens to us, spiritually, when we don’t confess our sins. We become paralyzed and burdened by the sin and it seems to take over our being.

Spraying is one way to get rid of weeds, although it sometimes kills the plants around the weeds. Spraying is like telling everyone around us about our sin but not confessing to God. When I’m gardening, I prefer to simply pull the weeds gently, being careful to remove the roots, which takes more time and effort. When God is able to pull out the root of our sin, hopefully we won’t repeat it. 1 John 1:10 says that God wants us to confess our sins because he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Roots and all.

Admitting and confessing our sins can take time and courage. God will sometimes send circumstances our way in order to help us see how we have hurt Him and/or someone else. These circumstances are like the rain which comes and softens the ground around the weeds and makes it easier to remove the roots. God is so gentle with us and He knows who we are and what we have gone through. He knows our hearts.

After the weeding is finished, it is so nice to look around and clearly see the plants. This is an AHA… moment. It is time to rest. Just like after confessing our sins, the burden is gone, and we experience peace and rest.

What has God shown you in his Word? Are there any weeds in your Garden? Do you trust Him to help you?

Guest Devotional- April McCullohs

Have you ever been on a mission trip? If not, you probably know someone who has. You’ve either been part of the stories or you’ve heard the stories:

“We slept in a hut for 5 nights and I got 100 bug bites!”
“We had to take this bus for 6 hours to the next town and there were chickens, roosters and pigs on the bus with us!”
“I never realized how much I depended on AC till I didn’t have it!”

My missions’ experiences, from a one day trip to Belle Glade, to a 5 week mission in the Yucatan, have all required some measure of sacrifice. But here’s the thing—I, and everyone on my team, expected to sacrifice! We knew we weren’t going on a cruise, so we didn’t complain when our clothes got dirty, when we had to try new foods and when the heat was unbearable. Because we had voluntarily signed up for the mission, we had counted the cost and expected to be uncomfortable. The focus of our minds and our efforts was the people we were serving. It’s what I call a “mission mentality.” A mission mentality enables you to shift your focus away from your discomfort toward the joy of selflessly serving others.

Unfortunately, once the mission trip is over most Christians, including myself, revert back to a self-serving mentality. It’s almost like we have to get our passports stamped, be surrounded by another race and language, and have a cheesy t-shirt to surrender to sacrifice. Here’s the thing—as Christians, we’re never not on mission. Whether we’re living in a Mayan hut or in a comfortable middle class neighborhood, the call remains the same—to go out and make disciples for Jesus.

We have an opportunity, at Church at the Bay, to make an impact like never before with the launch at Steinbrenner. Right now would be an appropriate time to ask ourselves, Do I have a mission mentality? Does my attitude convey that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to enable more people to come to Jesus? Let’s count the cost, whether it’s the drive, the unfamiliarity, or the possible rejection by friends and then let’s take that and honor God with a gift of sacrifice.

Whether in a village in Mexico or a town called Lutz, there are thousands of souls desperately in need of the good news Jesus brings. With the launch on September 13th, we have an exciting and unique opportunity to serve, to sacrifice and to be on mission. What will your part be?

Jesus said, “And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere.”
Acts 1:8

Deadline for Conference

Hey Ladies,

Just wanted to remind you that the deadline to register with CATB for the Deeper Still Conference is this Sunday, August 23! Click on the link above for details!

Guest Devotional-- Lee Preiser

This summer I have been reading a book called “A Woman and Her God” by Beth Moore and various authors. The question that came to me as I read the title was: “What does that look like for me?”

Many times we read in the Old Testament where the writer states that He is “Our God”. He has chosen us and that means He has taken the first step in this relationship; the next step is ours.

I haven’t played a lot of sports in my life but I remember as a child playing baseball in the field across from my home with all the neighbor kids and waiting to be chosen. I didn’t want to be the last one picked and I can still remember how proud I felt when my name was called and the team cheered because I was on their side.

God has called every one of us by our name to be on His team. I believe King David wrote my heart's cry in Psalm 63 when he used phrases like “my soul thirsts for you,” “earnestly will I seek you,” and “your love is better than life”.

Now I am taking that second step towards God. I know life happens and circumstances can consume our time and energy but leaving my God out of my life is not an option I want to choose.

The past 6 months I have been looking for a job and ,as some of you know, it can be very draining, especially with you are not chosen for the position. I came to the realization that it wasn’t about me having the right job skills but being where God wanted me to be so He could make a difference in someone’s life through me. I have since found that place.

Like me, are you seeking to know your God more? My challenge to you and myself is to get to know your God who has chosen you. Psalm 90:14 “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”

Guest Devotional- Alexis Albright

Women typically have an advantage over men when it comes to our ability to communicate. We connect by talking and sharing our detailed stories. But with this verbal gift comes a huge responsibility—one that is controlled by one simple muscle in the body, unmatched in its potential for good or evil—the tongue.

One characteristic of a mature Christian is shown in her ability to control her tongue. Luke 6:45 says, “For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” Wow! Our hearts cannot be hidden because our speech reveals us.

James 3:3-6 says, “When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.”

The verse just before this passage, in James 3:2 says, “We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.” This reminds us that we are all human and we mess up. Thankfully, God’s grace is enough for me. And His blood was shed to cover all my sin.

But let us never take lightly the impact we have with our tongue. Let’s always consider what we are about to say before we speak it. We have a tremendous ability to change lives with what we say and how we communicate the truth. James 3:9 says, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.”

What if we used this powerful muscle to only speak words of truth and words that were uplifting to one another, to His creations? So with this, the prayer of my heart comes from Psalm 19:14,

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

Guest Devotional- Stacy Heckman

“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “ – Jeremiah 29:11

God is a planner. Did you ever think about that? He started with the most basic and important element of planning: time. Then went on to plan out every single incredible detail of the universe including some amazing plans for each of us.

I love this “planning trait” of God because I am a planner! I like to plan out my weekly meals at the beginning of the week. I plan events months in advance. And I start thinking about holiday crafts for my son long before the calendar says it’s fall.

So I started thinking, “How can a little advance planning help strengthen my relationship with Christ?”

It may seem strange to plan out some spirit-growing activities for yourself, but I encourage you to ask yourself some of these questions:

• What devotional will I be reading over the next few months?
• What Bible studies are available to me this fall?
• How can I challenge myself in my daily prayer life?
• Who will I reach out to over the holiday season and invite to CATB?
• How can I get more involved at CATB in order to plug-in and impact more people?

God has amazing plans for us – plans that we might not even be able to comprehend. In Ephesians 2:10 it says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

What are God’s plans for you? What are you going to do to seek out those plans? I encourage you to pray about it and seek His plan for you. You may just be surprised!

Guest Devotional- Chrissy Mayer

"The Soundtrack of our Lives"

Lately, I have been doing a bible study with a few girlfriends entitled “Me Myself and Lies” by Jennifer Rothschild. In one lesson, we were instructed to ‘dig through our thought closets’ and organize our thoughts into separate ‘bins’. Ladies, let me tell you and much to my own surprise, my bins quickly became scattered and began to overflow with all sorts of junk! Most of the crap running through my mind on a daily basis had been ‘organized’ into three separate piles (right piles…the bins had become rather hidden at this point)

This is just a snippet, my friends, of the continuous soundtrack that runs over and over in my head…

What if I had actually started saving when I first started working?

What if I had been a better daughter/sister/friend?

What if I had a better relationship with my father growing up?

What if I don't have enough time today to get everything done?

What if I don’t have any time left over for my husband at the end of the day?

What if I’m not able to get that time off at work?

What if my car finally decides to kick the bucket?

What if I don't graduate on time?

What if the market goes back up?

When did I ever get on this crazy train any how?

Have you even been in a quiet peaceful room all by yourself? You’re not moving a smidge but you feel as if your mind is still going a million miles an hour? You feel a heavy weight on your chest and find yourself taking many periodic deep breaths (sighs) and you don't quite know why? What is wrong with me? Why do I feel short of breath? Why do I feel so tired?

Sisters, I have found the answer...

What we believe is what we think. What we think is what we tell ourselves. And what we tell ourselves is what we meditate on. Our thoughts are reflected in everything we say, everything we do, how we see ourselves and ultimately how we allow others to see us as well. We may try to play cool...We may try to lead people to believe we have it together…But girl it’s written all over you. Your thoughts are displayed in the ‘wardrobe’ you chose to clothe yourself in this mornin’.

So what’s a girl to do?

Focusing on the "What If's" instead of "What Is" only invites fear. My very own soundtrack entitled Worry: The Greatest Hits (Past, Present, and Future) is the VERY ROOT of my anxiety. The German root of the word worry means 'strangle'. When we play our soundtracks of the "What If's", we choke out any life-giving truth. So you see, our worry does nothing for us. It only squashes our joy, God’s truth, and what tiny bit of peace we think we may have found. Therefore, we must meditate and focus on His ‘Works’ and His ‘Word’. When we turn our focus and consider everything God has given us and everything He has done for us in the past, we are able to give Him back the control and focus only on the "What Is".

Next time you find yourself drowning in a sea of anxiety and worry, meditate on Phil 4:8
God gives us a ‘cheat sheet’ of what to turn our attention to and even what to thank Him for. Tomorrow, when you are putting on your wardrobe for the day, ask Him to help clothe you in His Righteousness and guard your heart from fear and worry. I challenge you to make this a daily ritual, and if you're anything like me, an hourly ritual!!!