Women's Summer Bible Study

Hello ladies of CATB,
Are you looking to connect with other women?

Are you ready to allow God to rock your heart and mind?

We are so excited to announce our first 

women's summer bible study!!!

*Sessions will run for five weeks
*Tuesday nights from 630p-8p @ church office
*Sessions begin with a 15min video and then we will breakout into smaller groups for discussion
*After each session, in your study book, there is a section for reflection and application
*Each participant needs both a book AND study guide (see below links for easy purchase)

 Our chosen study: Altar Ego
written by Craig Groeschel (Life Church's lead pastor)

Here is a short excerpt from it:

"Instead of living with an ego that is outward driven and based on other people's opinion - even our own, we're going to discover how to live with an ALTAR EGO. We'll learn to live in the truth of who and whose we are.

As you discover your holy lineage and true identity in Christ, your ALTAR EGO will then drive your motives, thoughts, and actions; empowering you to live according to His higher values. When you truly know whose you are, you will begin to live with a deep confidence in His calling, rather than living a timid, halfhearted, shallow cultural Christianity, you'll boldly live in the confidence of a God who believes in you and who has created you perfectly to do what He has planned in advance for you to do."

We know summer schedules can be tough but don't let that stop you.
Even if you can only make it to a few of the five sessions,

PLEASE RSVP here (for our facebook users)

Non-facebook peeps, please JOIN here

We know this is going to be just awesome & hope you will be there!!!

The links below are various places you can get your book AND study guide (you will need them by June 11th):




***adults only please. no childcare provided***

Any questions??  Reply here