Summer Ladies' Groups

Hey Ladies!

We've got something new to invite you to-- something we've never done before! We'd love for you to join a Summer Ladies' Group. Here's what a Summer Group is and is not:

It is: 
-a casual gathering of 5-10 women

It's not: 
-a formal class

It is: 
-a time to get to know ladies from church over coffee or casual dinner

It's not: 
-a curriculum or homework driven group

It is:
-every other week

It's not:
-every week

Wanna try it out? 

We have three different groups. Here are the groups and their times and places:

Sandy Mayer's Group:
-Thursday nights, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
-Citrus Park Food Court
-First meeting was June 9; Next meeting is June 23

Rolanda Beacham's Group:
-Wednesday nights, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
-Starbucks on Anderson, near the AMC movie theater
-First meeting will be June 29

April McCullohs' Group:
-Wednesday mornings, 7:00-8:30 a.m.
-Starbucks on Anderson, near the AMC movie theater
-First meeting will be next Wed, June 15

Email to sign up for a group!