Guest Devotional - Alexis Albright

Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

As I am preparing for the arrival of our third baby boy, due in November, I am trying as hard as I did the last two pregnancies, to prepare. I am reading articles on newer baby devices that I didn’t have with the last two boys. Mail is coming in left and right for offers to know more about formulas and to receive free trials. Working on the nursery is a task all in itself. Where is this child going to sleep? What am I missing from the many items I already possess? And most importantly, who is this child growing inside of me? How many times a day is he kicking? Are those hiccups? I guess he doesn’t care for spicy foods. But the greatest part of pregnancy, in my opinion, is the few times I am granted the opportunity of seeing my child as close up as possible, on an ultrasound. At that moment, it is as if I really know my baby. I hear his heart beating and I see him moving. Sometimes, I really believe he’s even waving to say, “Hey Mama, can’t wait for you to hold me.”

You know, in some ways, this is like our relationship with Jesus. I Corinthians 13:12 talks about our knowing Jesus here on Earth, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” And in order for us to know him in our life here on Earth, we have to seek him with our whole heart (Jer 29:13). This means, we must learn everything we can about who He is. We must dialogue with him. We must daily choose to pick up His word and allow it to penetrate our hearts so that it transforms us from who we are into whom He wants us to be. It is in the true thirst for relationship with Jesus, that we get our ultrasounds - He reveals himself to us – we see His heart beating and we see Him moving. He speaks to us as if to say, “My child, I can’t wait to hold you.”

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