Guest Devotional - April McCullohs

We’re all familiar with the story of Mary. She was a young girl, probably no more than 13 or 14, and engaged to a well-respected man. In Luke, we read how Mary was visited by Gabriel, a big-time angel. Gabriel gives Mary the news—“You’re going to bear the Son of God!!” She was bewildered, to say the least.

Imagine her situation. She was thrilled—God knows my name! God thinks of me as “highly favored”! But I’m sure her mind was also racing. Becoming pregnant before marriage was a quick ticket to being cut off from her tight-knit community and it most likely meant the end of her engagement to Joseph. Public humiliation.

Before Gabriel’s finished speaking with Mary, he explains to her that her cousin Elizabeth, one who was way passed the age of childbearing was pregnant also. “Nothing is impossible with God,” Gabriel declares.

Now, I’m sure God had Gabriel speak of Elizabeth’s situation to boost Mary’s faith. But, I also think in His compassion he wanted to comfort Mary.

Elizabeth was one who knew what it felt like to be the subject of town gossip.

Elizabeth knew what it was like to see the impossible happen.

Elizabeth knew where to find maternity clothes and what oil to use to prevent stretch marks!

God knew Mary would find comfort and companionship with her cousin Elizabeth.

And I think that speaks of God’s design for women. In the ups and downs of life, amidst the ordinary and the supernatural, God has designed for us to connect in deep friendship, sharing this journey of faith together.

Let’s dare to become authentic, vulnerable and honest. Let’s dare to let each other see our weaknesses, along with our strengths. As we take next steps in our relationships with God, think about who your Elizabeth is. In Christian community, there’s great potential for each of us to see the impossible come to pass with God.

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