Guest Devotional - Sandy Mayer

In the last week I have heard and read in five different settings about the importance of spending time in God’s word and praying. I’d like to share these valuable lessons with you as well.

The first mention of spending time in God’s word was from the Christian author and speaker, Kay Arthur, whom I heard while attending the ‘Deeper Still’ conference in Orlando. She stated that we need to study God’s word and make it a part of our lives so we may rest in our faith. The rest in faith that Kay described comes from finding what the Word of God says about a particular situation in our lives, and then believing it! Can that particular situation also include the planning of a wedding? (My daughter became engaged last week!) I’m going to be depending on that rest!!!

Then, on Sunday, while sitting at the table, my mouth dropped open as I listened to my friend JP share his testimony. It was as if I was hearing the words of Priscilla Shirer again. His statement was, ‘Once I fixed my focus on Jesus and not my problem, I saw change in my life.’ Don’t we have the tendency to spend more time on our problems than turning our eyes to Jesus? My present distractions include our finances, a place for a wedding, a wedding coordinator, inside or outside, a reception, how many people and where are they going to stay. The list keeps getting longer.

A couple days later, my devotion read, “The word of God reveals God’s mind, so we should learn it; God’s heart, so we should love it; God’s will so we should live it. The word of God is not only a sword for battle; it is a light to guide us in this dark world, food that strengthens us and water that washes us.” Beth Moore also spoke at the Deeper Still conference talking about the evil in this world. She said that in order for us to know what we humanly can’t know, we must know His word. We need divine revelation in a dark world so that we are not “Punked” or deceived.

Lastly, Hal’s message last Sunday focused on the acronym “SOAP” (Scripture, Observation, Application & Prayer). He used the same verses that were used in the conference. Ps 119: 103-105 “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” I know I must focus my eyes on Jesus to have discernment, peace and joy while planning my daughter’s wedding. How will getting in God’s word and praying help get you through your upcoming challenge?

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