Why Are We Here Again? Guest Post By JP Kavanaugh
More Volunteers Needed for Metropolitan Ministries Event!
We've had a great response--20 ladies (and a few guy friends) have signed up to serve at Metropolitan Ministries' Holiday Tent on Saturday, November 20!
We have 10 spots left that we'd love to fill!
Please email catbladies@churchatthebay.com if you're interested and indicate which shift you'd like: the 8:30-11:30 a.m. shift, or the 11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. shift. You'll receive an email confirmation with a map, directions and more information.
The Glorious Throne, by April McCullohs
I imagine it's a funny thing.
When a person with little or no church background walks into Church at the Bay for the first time and sees a band on stage, rocking their hearts out for Jesus. People in the auditorium are clapping and singing along, the lights are moving and the words of the songs are flashing on the screens.
It can't seem all that different from a Sugarland concert.
But then, when that first-time guest looks on stage at the singers, they notice something different. The singers' eyes are not reaching the audience's. And the audience, for that matter, isn't directing their attention to the singers'. For the most part, eyes are closed and heads are lifted up to the rafters.
Who, or what, are we singing to? To the guys in the light box in the back?
The difference between corporate (all-together) worship and concerts, even Christian, is in the audience. With musical performances, the musician seeks to connect with and please the audience through the music. With worship, the music isn't the end game. It's simply a venue, a conduit, for expressing grateful praise to God.
So, the eyes closed, the head lifted or bowed, the hands raised--these physical acts are all directed toward a God who promises to hear our praise and (even this!) to draw near to us when we worship with truthful hearts.
When I'm on stage singing, or in the third row of the auditorium on Sunday and my lids close over my eyes, where do I go in my head? In my heart? How do I picture this God to whom I direct my praise?
The most frequent place I go, mentally, is to His throne room. Revelation 4, Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1 all have vivid descriptions of the glorious throne room of God. If you need some help visualizing the awesome dwelling place of God, read these passages and let them fill you with an excited anticipation for the next time you address God, in prayer or in worship.
For me, the words are not just words to be sung because that's what we do in church. Our worship time together is a dynamic, real-time opportunity to push aside the me-centeredness that so often drives my thought-life and actions and to allow my spirit the chance to give God the attention He deserves.
God is not some far-off politician who checks the fan email and is happy to see we're still sending Him our vote. When we set our hearts to pray, or to sing songs of praise, He promises to be present in those actual, real-time moments.
To receive our heart-cries.
To direct His attention our way.
To even allow us to sense His holy presence more clearly and more powerfully.
It takes faith to believe that we have an audience with God when we pray and when we sing. It's so much more than some yoga visualization exercise--this privilege, to address the King of Kings, is an invitation extended to us and made possible by the forgiveness of Jesus.
So the next time you quiet your heart to pray or show up for worship on Sunday morning, come with a heart prepared to stand, forgiven, before the throne room of the Lord.
And then sing your heart out.
Metropolitan Ministries Service Project, November 20
Join your friends from Church at the Bay as we partner with Metropolitan Ministries to meet the needs of families in the community this Thanksgiving holiday!
We'll be helping thousands of needy families "shop" for their Thanksgiving meal at Metropolitan Ministries' Holiday Tent on Saturday, November 20. There are two shifts to choose from.
While this is a CATB Ladies' Event, guys are welcome to serve also--make sure you include any additional people in your email response.
Email catbladies@churchatthebay.com to respond. In your email, include which shift you'd like.
Shift 1: 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m., OR
Shift 2: 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
We'll be meeting at Metropolitan Ministries: 2001 N Florida Ave, Tampa, FL 33602 You'll receive an email confirmation once you respond.
Looking forward to serving with you!
Guest Devotional - Alexis Albright
The words in the songs that we sing at Church at the Bay most often come from Scripture—straight out of God's word, the Bible. After singing at church on Sunday, I regularly have those songs “stuck” in my head. I will find myself doing errands or household chores and singing those tunes. And as I’m singing them, I think about the words and my worship continues! I love that worship is not confined to our Sunday service or my quiet time… Worship can happen anywhere at any time. God wants us to worship Him all day long—for who He is and for the works of His hands.
My favorite lyrics of late are, “Our God is greater. Our God is stronger. God, You are higher than any other. Our God is healer, awesome in power. Our God, Our God.” Aren’t these words so powerful?! I will pray these words, acknowledging Him and praising Him through prayer. Whether I am singing or praying, I know I am deepening my relationship with God because I am doing what He created me to do: worship Him!
Psalm 150 says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”
Music helps me connect to God in an intimate way. What does that for you? You don’t have to be a good singer, an eloquent prayer, or a detailed observer to be a good worshiper. If you’re driving with the windows down, you can thank Him and praise Him for the weather. Worship Him for giving you another day of life. Adore His creations (people, trees, sunshine, etc). God wants our worship. He wants to hear from us. And He wants us to hear from Him!
Guest Devotional - Blaine Albright
New Guest Series!
When will it end? By Connie Smith
CATB Ladies' Breakfast, October 16
**If you cannot attend, you can still request to receive the email devotions by emailing catbladies@churchatthebay.com
Hungry, by April McCullohs
They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name,
O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies."
Football Game Night, September 17!
The guys have all season to enjoy football--we should get at least one night!
Come join your girlfriends from Church at the Bay on Friday, September 17, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. as we play games, eat tailgating food, laugh and have fun! Wear your favorite team's shirt or jersey! From the most passionate football-lovers out there to the most bored--this event is for you! Please bring $3 to cover the cost of snacks and drinks. Bring a friend!
Email catbladies@churchatthebay.com to RSVP and receive directions by Wednesday, September 15.
Hope to see you there!
How to get the most out of your Home Team!
With these four commitments, and a heart open to new friendships and God's challenges, you're sure to have a meaningful Home Team semester!
Women's Home Teams start this Week!
Hi Ladies,
No More Excuses, by Sandy Mayer

When My Faith Feels Cold, by Dawn Camp
When My Faith Feels Cold
I lead a fairly insulated life. Many of life's bigger temptations don't come into my path on a regular basis.
Money is always a struggle with our large family, but no major calamities have befallen us recently.
Although I count my blessings for this calm state of affairs, sometimes my faith feels cold.
Trials and temptations draw me closer to God when faced with the limits of my understanding and ability to deal with problems on my own. In the absence of larger struggles, however, I tend to rely on myself too much and Him too little.
Unfortunately, it's sometimes difficult to break that pattern of self-reliance.
I don't know about you, but when things are going well I don't have the courage to ask for adversity to deepen my relationship and dependence on Him.
James 4:8 tells us, "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." What an amazing thing to know that the God of the universe is there for me: for fellowship, confession, comfort.
When I recognize a coldness creeping into my relationship with Him, I pray this simple prayer, "Lord, my faith is cold and weak. Please draw me nigh unto you and draw nigh unto me."
And He does.
by Dawn Camp, My Home Sweet Home
4 Days Left to RSVP!
Sign up by emailing catbladies@churchatthebay.com to reserve your spot, sign up for the devotions and receive directions.
Refuting Satan's Lies, by Chrissy Mayer
2 Corinthians 11:3
"I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion of Christ."
Just because we have been told of our security in Christ since we became believers, it doesn't mean that we have really accepted and believed His affirmations of us. Furthermore, we are bombarded everyday and from every direction with messages telling us the exact contrary to what God has told us about each and every one of us...that WE are special, unique, and created in His image to do GREAT THINGS. It is an almost daily and sometimes hourly task to GET OVER OURSELVES and be reminded of our royal heritage.
The point here, Satan told Eve a life-altering lie, and she fell for it. YOU fall for it...WE have all fallen for it. Her consciousness changed immediately and she was thrown into the sinking sands of constant 'self-reflection'. And not the healthy self-reflection! The type of self-reflection in which we compare ourselves to anyone and ask subconsciously "how do we measure up?”. Man is this tiring! I had to take a deep breath even as I typed that last bit. Eve became ashamed of her body and ashamed of who she was: facing a life of continuous stress and disappointment. Believing this lie was the death of sister Eve ladies!
Life-altering lies that Satan wants you to believe:
You're not smart enough
You're boring
You're too old
You're too young
You're not pretty
You're not talented
You're not worth pursuing
You're useless for the Kingdom of God
How many of these lies have you believed at one point in time?
Something that God spoke to me about recently dealt with this very subject but from a very different angle...
Upon reading Ephesians 4:21-24 and Ephesians 4:1-4 (this is a very good book) I heard God say,
Why are you still wasting your time with these things? Aren't you tired? You don't have to live like this you know!
Wait just a second...I don't have to live like this? I thought this was just something that all women deal with and that we just have to learn to cope?!
Then I came to the realization that these things, these insecurities, these little rulers that I put in front of myself in any given situation are in fact sending a horrible message to the world that I too, though claiming to be a child of God, am living a life in bondage! But as I read these verses and heard the quiet steadfast spirit of God tell me, “LET IT GO,” I also began to see how some of my insecurities have even held me back from serving Him...and that was the hardest bit to swallow! As these verses state, the world’s illusions have already been revealed to us. As children of God we are to no longer act, think, speak like we don't know any better, and each one of us has been SPECIFICALLY CALLED TO NOW WALK WORTHY OF OUR PURPOSE! With our heads held high, because we have ALREADY been deemed worthy, we are to live a life of example of what freedom in His truth looks like, especially to other women that He has purposed to be within our spheres of influence!
So would you like more productive thoughts to occupy your mind? I know I do! Write down these verses and stick them somewhere where you will see them (I have them in my car). When Satan tries to distract you, confront the lie with scripture, combat his deceit with prayer.
Colossians 3:2 says that we are to set our minds on things above and concentrate on such things.
So, sisters, be purposeful on what you allow to enter your mind! Repeat His truth and walk in the freedom of knowing YOU are highly favored!
What lies have you let yourself believe?
What insecurities have kept you from serving God in any way?
Ask God's forgiveness for believing lies over His truth.
Tell Him the insecurities you struggle with.
Share one of your insecurities with a good friend and talk with one another about a specific way to replace that lie with Truth.
Guest Devotional - April McCullohs
I've got a bright green door.
The kind of green that makes a great, big contrast with our yellow house.
And when you open that green door (if you were expected), you'd most likely see a tidied up entryway and a dining room which leads into a kitchen with counters wiped down and then you'd see the living room, with no toys not too many toys strewn across the floor.
The guest bathroom won't have its usual potty seat attached to the toilet and the shower curtain should be pulled shut to obstruct the buckets and boats and balls that litter the bathtub floor.
What you won't see is my bedroom, with its unmade linens and laundry-still-in-baskets and you definitely won't be touring my closet or bathroom.
Because that's the way we live.
And it's not bad, or hypocritical or full of pretense.
We only have so much time to clean, and we prioritize what we want others to see and what we don't want others to see.
It's really okay--with our literal homes.
The problem occurs when we live like this in all of our relationships.
When the only thing we let our close friends see are the tidied-up areas of our hearts, the places of success and happiness.
When we only allow our friends into the "guest areas"-- the ones that are presentable and under control and ready at all times for a realtor to show potential clients.
I just spent three hours with a friend who's been invited into my life, regardless of the conditions of the many rooms of my soul. The kind of friend who answers the question, "So, how's your heart?" without the obligatory superficial crap.
This friend ever-so-boldly invited me into her own basement--the kind of human basement with cockroaches and cobwebs and things we as humans don't want to confess we own. It was with fear and pain that we walked down those steps as she shared her story with me. She brought her ugly-things into the light--the light of heart-felt confession to another human--and it wasn't easy at all.
Since her courageous invitation-- to know even the most regretted and broken parts of her story--I've been able to reciprocate. Today, we walked down into my basement and I showed her some of my ugly-things. Together, we flipped the light on, acknowledged the fallenness of our human condition and then turned our eyes to the Only Light we know.
It's not just the confession and the invitation of another person into our brokenness that causes the life-resuscitating healing we so desperately need.
It's the turning toward the Light of Jesus-- One who doesn't down-play our screw-ups and at the same time grants us a purity and wholeness--a freedom from shame-- we could never achieve on our own.
Fear and shame and guilt make for stunted relationships and hearts that can only give so much. Only when we allow Jesus into our closets and bathrooms and basements (and he often invites another friend) will we discover the uninhibited freedom to love and be loved the way we were meant to.
That's the power of the invitation. It requires much, but for those bold enough to risk it all, the rewards are immeasurable.
Join us August 14 for the Last Dinner and Devo's of the Summer!
Starting on August 9, you'll receive a brief devotional in your email inbox each day leading up to the dinner. This Dinner & Devo's theme is Community--No Woman is an Island.
On August 14 we'll get together for a fabulous Italian dinner, fun games and conversation around the week's theme. You need to sign up by Sunday, August 8. The cost is $10 to cover dinner.
Sign up by emailing catbladies@churchatthebay.com to reserve your spot, sign up for the devotions and receive directions.
Guest Devotional - Stacy Heckman

God gives us so much freedom in our lives. Free will is the most powerful example that I can think of. This idea that I can make my own decisions – whether I think God agrees with them or not – is very powerful indeed. I can recall many seasons of my life when my own free will led me very far from God. In college, there seemed to be so many “important” distractions: sorority life, grades, fraternity boys, parties, the latest fashion, working, etc. that my relationship with God was something that could wait until I was “grown up.” In retrospect, that decision to choose all of those other distractions over God led to so many bad choices, painful experiences and deep, deep regrets.
You would think I would learn, right? Nope. Free will snuck up on me again after college once I was out on my own and all “grown up.” I still didn’t see the need to make a relationship with Christ a priority on my list. If I made it to church on Sunday, I was really proud of myself. But an ongoing dialogue with God, reading the Bible, immersing myself in worship… nope. I was too “busy” climbing the corporate ladder, networking, preparing for a wedding. I took full advantage of free will.
Now, almost 10 years later I look back on all those “wasted” years when I could have been experiencing true freedom, instead of just free will. Oh the fulfillment I could have been enjoying, the true love that comes from God, the amazing gift of salvation and forgiveness. What was I waiting for? Why did God allow me to wander aimlessly for all those years? Well, I think that’s just it… He “allows” us to make our own decisions. To choose Him. To choose a relationship that provides real freedom. He’s always there waiting…standing with outstretched arms…wanting us to choose Him.
Have you made the decision to fully choose God as your redeemer? The benefits of using our free will to choose Him are too numerous to list. But God does offer us a glimpse of what is available to us if we choose to follow Him in Isaiah 48:17-18:
“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you, and leads you along the paths you should follow. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea.”
Seems pretty clear to me… relationship with God provides clear paths, good things and peace. Sign me up for that freedom!
Don't forget to RSVP for Dinner & Devo's!
Guest Devotional - Alexis Albright

Memorializing our nation’s freedom is something truly worth celebrating. When you really think about what it means to be an American you’ll recognize we have FREEDOM of speech, FREEDOM for Democracy, FREEDOM of Religion, etc.
Freedom of Religion has allowed me the safety to worship my Lord on a daily basis. To worship Him in private and in public. To dialogue with Him wherever I am. To be led and to lead others according to the Bible. Freedom of Religion has allowed me to easily have a relationship with Jesus Christ--a relationship that has in turn given me many freedoms in my own life.
One of these freedoms has come in the last year. I struggled for about six years with my “role.” I’m a pastor’s wife, so what does that mean? I’m a mom so surely I should be doing “this” and “that.” I was an employee, but just part-time, so how could I really be excellent?
I constantly felt as though I should be doing more with every hat I wore. What I did in each of these situations was never enough. Taking care of the domestic responsibilities that allowed my husband the ability to go and perform his ministries didn’t really seem that abundant. And the day in/day out of caring for my kids was perpetually undercutting my idea of super-mom.
This battle of finding my “role” was one that I shed many tears over and one that kept total peace from filling my spirit. I cried out to God (for years) and asked for things to be made “right.” I felt, at times, stuck, like I was suffocating, and often times, I felt isolated. I wanted so badly to find my groove. I knew He wanted me to surrender, but I felt I had. I was doing everything I could to juggle it all.
It had come to a breaking point. One that required tough decisions. Complete surrender. I would give up my juggling act and let God show me how it should be done. And in this, I received complete peace. I now feel settled because my purpose is real. It fuels the beat of my heart.
God has defined my “role” like never before. When I stopped trying to find it, there it was. My mission is so vast. The greatest responsibility I have in discipleship is with the three little souls that I gave life to. The largest role I can play in ministry with my husband is being available and supportive - in whatever comes along. It doesn’t have to have a “title.” My outside job was left behind and new passions have been flourishing.
When it seems I have less control than ever, I feel my life has an extravagant direction. Since surrendering the hunt for a title, I have FREEDOM that defines me.
Mark 14:36 “Abba, Father,”he cried out, “everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
Second Dinner & Devo's- July 17
Join us for our second Dinner and Devo's of the summer on Saturday, July 17, from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
This dinner's theme is Mosaic, and it's all about how God has uniquely created us, with different gifts, passions, life-stories and more. You'll receive a devotion each day leading up to the dinner, starting on Monday, July 12, that will help us dive into the theme.
At dinner, we'll play games, eat well, and break into small-ish groups to chat.
Please bring $10 to cover the cost of food and drinks. If you RSVP but have to cancel later, please cancel no later than July 15 so we don't overspend on food.
Bring a friend! Last Dinner and Devo's was a great success and we're looking forward to sharing it with you!
Email catbladies@churchatthebay.com to RSVP by Sunday, July 11.
Devotional by Connie Smith
Like many women, I am a wife, mother and career women. I wear many hats and sometimes forget which one to wear, or wear all at the same time. Earlier this year, after my husband returned to work after being laid off for many months, I did some reflecting, praying that God would show me a way where I could follow His will for myself and my family. Right around that time I was asked to consider an income opportunity with a company, so I decided to start a new business, while continuing to work my full time job. I listened to some training material and when I heard that I need to believe in myself and the power of scripture, I truly felt that God was leading me into this opportunity. It sounds crazy to add one more thing into my life…but I believe God has a plan for me.
While some days are awesome and things seem to be moving forward, there are also days where I keep running into road blocks. I wonder as I go through each day if God is testing me? Watching me? Waiting to see if I truly believe that He will guide me, and for me to turn control over to Him so that my actions go toward His will.
I want so desperately to do what God wants, to follow His will and to use the abilities He has given me to show His presence in my life. And of course, I want it NOW. It is a daily challenge for me to accept that God is working His plan and He will do it in His time. I believe that Satan uses these opportunities to throw self doubt…lack of belief in myself…and most of all, lack of faith in God... at me to see where I stand.
Faith and belief in God is what gets me through these times. I look to scripture to affirm God’s promise: Matthew 21:21-22 Jesus replied,
"I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain. ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Many days all I see are mountains in front of me, but I know that God will help move those mountains and He can do that for each of us.
Pray that God will give you the wisdom and grace needed to follow His will and timing. Believe in Him and believe in your abilities to do His will. It will be worth the wait!
Being of One's Hour, Reflection by Susan Rose
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it...
They cannot be numbered!
I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!”
Dinner & Devo's Additional Info
We're meeting for dinner and games at Susan Rose's house on Saturday, June 26, from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
To respond, email catbladies@churchatthebay.com by Sunday, June 20. You'll receive an email confirmation with directions and any additional information.
Hope to hear from you! It's gonna be a great time of connecting and having fun!
Dinner & Devo's, June 26
You're invited to CATBLadies' first Dinner & Devo's of the summer!
We'll be meeting for dinner and games at Susan Rose's house on Saturday, June 26, from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
This Dinner's theme is Beauty--and you'll experience it, from the 5 beauty-themed devotions you'll receive leading up to the dinner, to the dress-up photo booth and fun games we'll play on the 26th.
Starting on Monday, June 21, through Friday, June 25, you'll receive a short devotion via email.
Please respond by emailing catbladies@churchatthebay.com as soon as you can, and no later than Sunday, June 20th. We want to be able to send you the devotions and we need to know how much food to prepare.
Please bring $10 to the dinner to cover the cost of food and treats.
We hope to see you!