Guest Devotional - Cheryl Holmes

I have been reading through the book of Psalms, giving praise to God on a daily basis through each chapter I read. I've skipped over the ones that called for revenge or pleas during persecution as I did not feel I needed help with these areas. I just wanted to focus on God and trusting Him, or growing in grace or love or praising Him for His mighty works. Then I pray a prayer based on the passage I have read and tell God what is on my heart.

I have come across so many verses that are parts of Christian songs that I can’t help but sing these songs in my mind as I am reading. Our God is worthy of our praise and worship but how often do we praise Him? Only on Sunday during the music or only when something good happens? How many times do we want to cry out to God but don’t know the words to say? David went through some pretty tough trials and yet he praised God and wrote many of these verses during times when he was being pursued by his enemies and close to death. He pleaded with God for help, for deliverance, for protection.  

What are you going through in your life right now? Why not praise God for who He is to you and cry out to Him if you are in need? He is waiting to hear from you. I encourage you to try it too!

Psalm 103:1 Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name.

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