Have you ever heard the phrase “Curiosity killed the cat?”
Well, I think it’s “comparison,” not so much “curiosity,” that kills us. Call
it coveting, call it gossiping, call it self-deprecation, there are many ways
that we compare ourselves to others and usually… it kills our spirit little by
Even the best things in our life can turn into painful comparison
if we aren’t careful. For example, I
struggle with opening my Bible on a daily basis. I get into really good
routines, and then I fall out of them. And when I’m not in a good routine, I
constantly compare myself to others. My mind goes something like this:
“How come she can
fit in daily devotional time and she has three kids
and I only have two?”
and I only have two?”
“If I had (fill in
the blank…more free time, more help around the house, kids that slept past 6
a.m.) then I could fit in my quiet time like other people do. It’s not fair.”
Of course this is just one example. As women, we tend to
compare ourselves to other women all the time.
I can walk in to any mall/gym/playground/dinner party/Bible study and
start looking at other women and think about how everyone else has it more
“together” than I do.
In the end, this comparison thought process does nothing but
make me feel like a failure. But, I know this is NOT how God would want me to
feel. Rather, God is whispering,
“Precious child, I love you. I
loved you before you were even born.
You are absolutely picture perfect to me.”
I love this verse in Colossians 3:12 where it says,
“Since God chose you to be the holy people he
loves, you must clothe
yourselves with tenderhearted mercy,
kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
It reminds me that God chose me & He loves me. Instead of draping myself with negative comparison-type thoughts, I must clothe
myself with His wonderful gifts like kindness and mercy. It just sounds like
wrapping up in a warm cozy blanket filled with God’s love.
Don’t let comparison rob you of your joy.
Instead, let's focus on the gifts in our lives – the biggest of which, is that we are God’s
children. We get to experience His magnificent love every day…and that is incomparable!
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