What does it mean to believe in yourself? To believe that God has a plan for you?
Like many women, I am a wife, mother and career women. I wear many hats and sometimes forget which one to wear, or wear all at the same time. Earlier this year, after my husband returned to work after being laid off for many months, I did some reflecting, praying that God would show me a way where I could follow His will for myself and my family. Right around that time I was asked to consider an income opportunity with a company, so I decided to start a new business, while continuing to work my full time job. I listened to some training material and when I heard that I need to believe in myself and the power of scripture, I truly felt that God was leading me into this opportunity. It sounds crazy to add one more thing into my life…but I believe God has a plan for me.
While some days are awesome and things seem to be moving forward, there are also days where I keep running into road blocks. I wonder as I go through each day if God is testing me? Watching me? Waiting to see if I truly believe that He will guide me, and for me to turn control over to Him so that my actions go toward His will.
I want so desperately to do what God wants, to follow His will and to use the abilities He has given me to show His presence in my life. And of course, I want it NOW. It is a daily challenge for me to accept that God is working His plan and He will do it in His time. I believe that Satan uses these opportunities to throw self doubt…lack of belief in myself…and most of all, lack of faith in God... at me to see where I stand.
Faith and belief in God is what gets me through these times. I look to scripture to affirm God’s promise: Matthew 21:21-22 Jesus replied,
"I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain. ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Many days all I see are mountains in front of me, but I know that God will help move those mountains and He can do that for each of us.
Pray that God will give you the wisdom and grace needed to follow His will and timing. Believe in Him and believe in your abilities to do His will. It will be worth the wait!
Being of One's Hour, Reflection by Susan Rose
Being of One’s Hour
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it...
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it...
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!
I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!”
They cannot be numbered!
I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!”
Psalm 139:13-18 (New Living Translation)
When I was young I always felt out of place and clumsy, frumpy and socially inept. I wasn’t funny, I wasn’t really smart, I wasn’t athletic and didn’t have any real talents. Most of my elementary years were spent trying to recover from a kindergartener calling me “Susie-Q –Pew-Pew.” That kindergartener may have really liked me, at least that’s what my mom said, but he also expressed verbally how I felt about myself.
As I look back at my high school pictures I can now see a really beautiful girl, however I felt far from beautiful. I only had a few close friends and I clang to my boyfriend with huge insecurities. I stressed about my clothes, dieted and exercised constantly without satisfaction. I wore a smiled as my protective guard even when it hurt so no one knew my true feelings.
I then look at my wedding day and how stunning I was. I really did start to become pretty. I found a man that I didn’t have to rescue but who wanted to rescue me. I found someone I could confide in, and cry in front of, he didn’t laugh at my sensitivity instead he kissed my tears and hugged me close. I started to grow and love myself, as I saw how much he loved me.
As the time passed my confidence grew and I found talents I didn’t know I had and I made friends I didn’t know I could make.
Today I am 40 pound heavier than I would like to be, and have some wrinkles around my eyes and patches of grey hairs that needs consistent coloring.
Today I consider myself to be at the most beautiful time of my life.
Not the traditional or cultural expressions of beauty, but more like the Koine Greek, where beauty was associated with "being of one's hour".
I feel my beauty is in the time of my life where I have accepted God’s love for me. Regardless of what the mirror or the media may say about me, my Father in heaven has adorned me with jewels and fine clothes of righteousness. He has given me gifts and my heart’s desires; he has washed me clean with his blood.
I am amazed and basking in his love for me. I am free to accept love and, in return, to be able to love others.
I think most of us women can agree that when we are in Love we feel Beautiful.
How does God's opinion and love for you change the way you see yourself?
Dinner & Devo's Additional Info
We forgot to include the time!
We're meeting for dinner and games at Susan Rose's house on Saturday, June 26, from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
To respond, email catbladies@churchatthebay.com by Sunday, June 20. You'll receive an email confirmation with directions and any additional information.
Hope to hear from you! It's gonna be a great time of connecting and having fun!
We're meeting for dinner and games at Susan Rose's house on Saturday, June 26, from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
To respond, email catbladies@churchatthebay.com by Sunday, June 20. You'll receive an email confirmation with directions and any additional information.
Hope to hear from you! It's gonna be a great time of connecting and having fun!
Dinner & Devo's, June 26
You're invited to CATBLadies' first Dinner & Devo's of the summer!
We'll be meeting for dinner and games at Susan Rose's house on Saturday, June 26, from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
This Dinner's theme is Beauty--and you'll experience it, from the 5 beauty-themed devotions you'll receive leading up to the dinner, to the dress-up photo booth and fun games we'll play on the 26th.
Starting on Monday, June 21, through Friday, June 25, you'll receive a short devotion via email.
Please respond by emailing catbladies@churchatthebay.com as soon as you can, and no later than Sunday, June 20th. We want to be able to send you the devotions and we need to know how much food to prepare.
Please bring $10 to the dinner to cover the cost of food and treats.
We hope to see you!
Girls' Game Night, June 18
Join us for a girls' night out full of socializing and Bunko
(rolling dice for points).
If you haven't played Bunko before, it's simple, fun and very social.
See your friends and meet new ones!
We'll be enjoying appetizers and slushy drinks.
Sue Gossett's house
16511 Turnbury Drive (The Eagels)
Tampa, FL 33556
(813) 472-9320
Friday, June 18
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Please RSVP by June 16 by emailing suegossett@gmail.com
Bring $3 to cover cost of drinks and snacks.
Looking forward to seeing you!
In the Quiet Place, by April McCullohs

There’s just more to be had.
More of God.
More of myself to give to God.
What does this look like for me? It’s more regular time, away, by myself, with the intent to focus on God.
It’s reading a psalm
and then praying it aloud to God.
It’s putting on a quiet worship song and getting on my face.
It’s taking in the lyrics.
It’s sometimes singing them.
It’s talking to God about all the stuff weighing down my heart.
And, then the best part…
I get quiet.
By this time, I’ve emptied myself of petitions and requests and please-do-this’s.
Most of the time, when we’re “done praying,” we’re done. We get up, move on, and check God-time off our list.
I’ve been stopping, though. And waiting. And staying beyond that point.
It has become the sweetest part.
The most saturated with the Spirit.
It’s in the quietness that I sense Him most.
That I remember who he is.
That he silently assures me of who I am before him.
It’s in the quietness that I regain my strength, my vision, my focus.
My heart is renewed and energized and
At peace.
Once again.
God told his people through the prophet Isaiah,
In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength
And I’m discovering its truth all over again.
Walking Worthy & With Your Head Held High, by Chrissy Mayer
Are you tired of playing games, wearing masks or trying to be someone other than yourself? Wouldn't you like the freedom to just be accepted for who you are, without the pressure to be someone you really don't know how to be? Would you like to learn how to embrace your uniqueness and resist the pull to be like everyone else?
God knew what He was doing when He made you. You are a unique individual—God created you the way you are! It's time that we dare to accept ourselves as different and stop being insecure about who we are.
Insecurity is the unbelief that God IS who HE said HE is and that YOU are who HE made YOU to be!
The Core Issue - Knowing vs Truly Believing...Head Knowledge vs a Heart Knowledge
Be Courageous
If you’re going to overcome insecurities and be the person God’s called you to be, you must have the courage to be different. Unhappiness and frustration happen when we reject our uniqueness and try to be like each other. If you’re going to be successful at being completely you, then you’re going to have to take a chance on not being like everyone else. You must ask yourself, Am I a people pleaser or a God pleaser?
Who Decides Your Worth?
Becoming a people pleaser is one of the easiest things we can do...but it can ultimately make us very unhappy. When we begin pleasing others, we begin to hear comments that make us feel good about ourselves. That’s okay as long as we don't derive our sense of worth from it. People are too fickle for us to place our sense of worth in their opinions. We’re worth something because God says we're worth something—not because of what people think or say about us.
People pleasers allow others to control their lives in order to gain acceptance and approval. But God doesn't want us to be easily manipulated or controlled by others. We shouldn't let other people's opinions of us control our actions.
Break Out of the Mold
The world (those we know and deal with on a daily basis who may be family, friends, people in the neighborhood or even in the church) is continually trying to conform us to its image. The word conform means "to be similar in form or character; to behave in accordance with prevailing modes or customs.” Romans 12:2 says, Do not be conformed to this world (this age),…but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind…It’s then that we find the good and acceptable will of God for our lives.
People will always try to fit us into their mold, partly due to their own insecurity. It makes them feel better about what they are doing if they can get someone else to do it too. Very few people have the ability to be who they are and let everybody else be who they are. Can you imagine how nice the world would be if we would all do that? Each person would be secure in who he is and let others be who they are. We would not have to try to be imitations of each other.
Unique for a Purpose
God wants to take us, with all our weaknesses and inabilities, and transform us, by working from the inside out, to do something powerful in this earth. If we’re going to overcome insecurities and succeed at being ourselves, we can't continue to be afraid of what everybody else may think. We can't continue to allow others to fit us into their mold. We are different! We are unique! God created us this way to accomplish His purposes here on earth.
If you know Jesus Christ personally...HE CHOSE YOU...HE HAS APPOINTED YOU...to accomplish something good...something that matters...something prepared FOR YOU long before time began...something meant to have SERIOUS IMPACT within YOUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE!
The Question: Are your insecurities hurting, limiting, or even distracting us from profound effectiveness or fulfillment of purpose. Are they cheating you out of the powerful and abundant life Jesus flagrantly promised?
The Answer: Ask for God's forgiveness for putting others opinions before His and for trusting the world's measure of worth over our costly worth found in Him. (He has already deemed us 'good enough') Pray that as you seek Him that He would continue to show you your specific purpose and value..right now...right here...today!!! Choose to cling to Truth each time the lies try to convince you of anyhthing less!
God knew what He was doing when He made you. You are a unique individual—God created you the way you are! It's time that we dare to accept ourselves as different and stop being insecure about who we are.
Insecurity is the unbelief that God IS who HE said HE is and that YOU are who HE made YOU to be!
The Core Issue - Knowing vs Truly Believing...Head Knowledge vs a Heart Knowledge
Be Courageous
If you’re going to overcome insecurities and be the person God’s called you to be, you must have the courage to be different. Unhappiness and frustration happen when we reject our uniqueness and try to be like each other. If you’re going to be successful at being completely you, then you’re going to have to take a chance on not being like everyone else. You must ask yourself, Am I a people pleaser or a God pleaser?
Who Decides Your Worth?
Becoming a people pleaser is one of the easiest things we can do...but it can ultimately make us very unhappy. When we begin pleasing others, we begin to hear comments that make us feel good about ourselves. That’s okay as long as we don't derive our sense of worth from it. People are too fickle for us to place our sense of worth in their opinions. We’re worth something because God says we're worth something—not because of what people think or say about us.
People pleasers allow others to control their lives in order to gain acceptance and approval. But God doesn't want us to be easily manipulated or controlled by others. We shouldn't let other people's opinions of us control our actions.
Break Out of the Mold
The world (those we know and deal with on a daily basis who may be family, friends, people in the neighborhood or even in the church) is continually trying to conform us to its image. The word conform means "to be similar in form or character; to behave in accordance with prevailing modes or customs.” Romans 12:2 says, Do not be conformed to this world (this age),…but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind…It’s then that we find the good and acceptable will of God for our lives.
People will always try to fit us into their mold, partly due to their own insecurity. It makes them feel better about what they are doing if they can get someone else to do it too. Very few people have the ability to be who they are and let everybody else be who they are. Can you imagine how nice the world would be if we would all do that? Each person would be secure in who he is and let others be who they are. We would not have to try to be imitations of each other.
Unique for a Purpose
God wants to take us, with all our weaknesses and inabilities, and transform us, by working from the inside out, to do something powerful in this earth. If we’re going to overcome insecurities and succeed at being ourselves, we can't continue to be afraid of what everybody else may think. We can't continue to allow others to fit us into their mold. We are different! We are unique! God created us this way to accomplish His purposes here on earth.
If you know Jesus Christ personally...HE CHOSE YOU...HE HAS APPOINTED YOU...to accomplish something good...something that matters...something prepared FOR YOU long before time began...something meant to have SERIOUS IMPACT within YOUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE!
The Question: Are your insecurities hurting, limiting, or even distracting us from profound effectiveness or fulfillment of purpose. Are they cheating you out of the powerful and abundant life Jesus flagrantly promised?
The Answer: Ask for God's forgiveness for putting others opinions before His and for trusting the world's measure of worth over our costly worth found in Him. (He has already deemed us 'good enough') Pray that as you seek Him that He would continue to show you your specific purpose and value..right now...right here...today!!! Choose to cling to Truth each time the lies try to convince you of anyhthing less!
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