Recently, God has shown me that he wants me to work on my issues of pride. I had no idea this was something that I struggled with. Most of the time, I feel like I struggle with just the opposite - coveting. So often I think everyone else is more content, happier, prettier, more financially stable, a better cook, a better mother, a better wife, oh I could go on and on. But then God pointed out to me that I have a real issue with pride. For example, I can compare my marriage to someone else who is struggling with infidelity and boast that "I can't believe they are going through that - I would never make those mistakes." It's so easy for me to become prideful and judge someone else's situation when it's something I've never personally struggled with in my life. But that is so very far from how God wants us to react.
I read in my Bible study this week, "God hates pride because it dethrones Him and puts ourselves at the center of our universe. I believe god's hatred of pride expresses His love. Pride slights Him, but destroys us." Wow... that is powerful! God doesn't want us to destroy ourselves - he loves us - he wants to protect us. That is why he hates pride so much. He wants us to have our priorities straight and have Him at the center of our universe - not ourselves.
So, the next time you feel a prideful moment approaching, just remember that until we have walked a mile in that person's shoes, we have no idea what they are going through. Instead of criticizing, try caring. Instead of condemning, try compassion. Instead of pride, try prayer.
"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." - Proverbs 11:2
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