Yes, a new year has quickly arrived. A NEW year, a NEW day.
Do you dislike making New Year's Resolutions because you just know it won't last?
How about considering a NEW DAY Resolution?
Check this out:
"Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed,
for His compassions never fail.
They are NEW every morning;
great is His faithfulness".
Lamentations 3:22-23
Do you see what God's Word says? Read it again, slowly.
Because God loves us so much AND because His compassion & faithfulness NEVER ends, we are NOT consumed by this world as He is ready to make us NEW every morning. Thankfully, He has mercy on us everyday! Yes, we can be restored, reNEWed, refreshed each & every day.
How will you respond?
Seek him wholeheartedly? Ask for forgiveness of sin AND choose to change the behavior? Make a decision to learn & apply God's Word daily? Resolve to care for YOU (physically, mentally, spiritually)? Opt to connect & "do life" with other believers?
"This is the day that the Lord as made. Rejoice & be glad in it" Psalm 118:24
Our CATB family has a number of places you can connect:
~~Jan 21, 28/Feb 4, 11: Iron Men @6:30am--Ladies, encourage the man in your life (husband, boyfriend, brother, son, father...) to attend.
~~Feb 8 & 9: Marriage Event--"The Art of Marriage"---connect here
~~starting Week of Feb 17: Growth Groups begin---lots of options/pick one (sign-ups start 2/3)
~~Let's run or walk together:
March 9th @7:30am: Oldsmar's Armadillo 5K or 10K Run---register here
April 11th @7pm: Tampa Bay Corporate 5K.. CATB Run Team facebook page
~~Every Sunday: CATB services @ 9:30 & 11 am
If you have any questions, prayer requests, or comments, please drop me a line.
May you have a blessed day,