Last week Church at the Bay started gathering in Growth Groups (formally known as Home Teams) to share how God’s message, spoken by Pastor Hal on Sunday, was impacting personal walks with Christ. We read scripture from Philippians chapter 3 and a challenge became very clear--that believers in Christ need to have a specific FOCUS every day—to intentionally look (heavenward) towards God and purposely tune into HIS plan intended for each of our lives.
Imagine this scenario: It’s imperative that you get up on the roof of your house. First, you position a ladder against the side wall. You grab both sides and place your foot on the first rung. Where are your eyes focused?? Yes, Upward! Tentatively, you continue to take the next steps, eyes not leaving the location of your final destination. Each step gets scarier as you leave “what you know” on the ground and ascend to the next level. At some point, you may consider going back down because of fear (and you may actually take a step or two backwards). It’s about choice. Do you redirect your focus upward and strive for the ultimate goal?
Paul wrote, “Forget what is behind & strain toward what is ahead” and “press on toward the goal to win the prize which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13,14).
~As you keep your eyes focused towards heaven, choose to take next steps with God in your daily life. He promises to reveal His power in YOUR life & to make clear His plans FOR YOU.
Proverbs 21:30, “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord’s.”
What is your personal next step with Christ? A few ideas to consider: attend a Bible teaching church service each week, commit to spending time with God each day in prayer & reading the Bible, join a Growth Group & connect with other Christ followers, invite a friend to church with you…
I hope you choose to climb that “Life Ladder” all the way to the top.