Meet YOU at the Finish Line

The start of a new year seems to be an appropriate time to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. Recently, we've blogged about refreshing our prayer life, having a heart for missions, and creating new habits for stewarding God's money.

Today, I'd like to challenge you...
to lace up your running shoes, enjoy the great outdoors with a nice run or walk,
and consider joining us for a team road race in 6 weeks.

March 10th
Armadillo Run ~ Oldsmar
5K or 10K option
Click HERE for further details or to register ($25)

I personally love this race because it is close to home & it's small town racing at its best...
only a few hundred runners, not thousands, the route is scenic, food & prizes afterward.

We have 6 weeks to train & prepare.
Goals: fun, fellowship, & finish line ; )

Experienced & novice runners welcome (ladies, men, & children)

Click HERE if you'd like to join Team CATB.

NOT-So-Extreme Couponing Workshop & Luncheon

Ready to learn a new skill or enhance one you already use?

Maybe learn a few simple ways to become better stewards of the money God graces you with?

Or, just want to hang out with some of the ladies of CATB?

Join us Saturday, February 4th @ 11 am
Cari Caraway's home (15819 Trackside, Odessa 33556)

Guest Speaker will begin promptly @11:15 am

We plan to break for lunch and conclude at 2pm.

Everyone attending will receive a packet full of couponing tips.
NOTE: this is NOT extreme couponing!

All levels of experience welcome

An Evite was previously sent to all current CATB ladies' emails.

If you did not receive an Evite, please REPLY HERE

Ladies on a Mission

Please keep our current Haiti mission team (of10) in your prayers this week. They fly out Thursday, January 19th and stay four days visiting the orphanage that CATB is sponsoring.

~Nothing like one-on-one-in-your-presence kind of love~

~Truly being the hands & feet of Jesus~

We thank you!

CATB ladies on this mission: Rachael, April, Sandy, & Sarah

Blessings to you...Godspeed ahead

Do Not Disturb, by Michele Laccabue

“O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you,in a dry and weary land where there is no water”. Psalm 63:1

Recently, I read a book titled “The Necessity of Prayer” by E.M. Bounds and realized my prayer life needed a makeover. As a believer in Christ for many years, it seemed my prayers had become too routine, too dry, too rushed, and not top priority. A line early in the book struck me…“Faith is kept alive by prayer”.

Do you feel your Christian walk is lacking in energy and not influencing those around you?

Is doubt or insecurity creeping into your thoughts?

Are you losing your sense of peace?

Or, maybe, you are feeling your prayers aren’t being answered so why bother.

The answer lies in lack of faith due to poor praying habits.

Simply put, personal prayer is a regular meeting time with God to diligently seek Him and to invite His presence into your life. It can occur anytime of the day, in any location, and as often as possible. It can last a few minutes or continue for hours. It needs to be a quiet place, a place of solitude. Consider God your soul-friend and converse with Him by asking questions, offering praise & thanksgiving, requesting His help, and confessing & repenting sins. And, then, most importantly, allow yourself to be silent and wait for Him (to speak, to move, to lead).

Did you notice … be silent and wait for Him?

Yep, this is the hard part for me. To remain silent and patiently wait is not easy for me. Life is busy, interruptions are frequent, and I’m a take charge kind of gal. Can you relate? I believe a “Do Not Disturb” sign may be in order. Maybe this will keep others out of my quiet time AND keep ME from going ahead and moving on without Him.

Keeping faith alive and active occurs during the discipline of praying. Making this an everyday, all day habit is basically training to hear His voice. He promises to draw closer, to teach His ways, to restore souls, to share His purposes & plans, to provide rest, and much more.

Jesus said to his disciples: “Always pray and not give up.” Luke 18:1

I want to hear God speak. I plan to be silent & wait so as not to miss Him.


“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him”. Psalm 62:5

comments are welcome